Saturday, September 30, 2006

Kickin' the new Ka-nowledge

September 30

6.5, 45:15 (6:58/mi): Shortcut+xtra. Well, the "xtra" made it less of a shortcut. Pre-meet with Senner and Hools, the latter of whom required the xtra. I'm whipped. Not like Alison, who describes her run as follows:_____________________. At least there's not a race tomorrow.


Schrades said...
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mugster said...

I cannot be the only person who ran today! why isn't anyone posting?!

Tuesday: AM workout, 6.5 miles total, 10x400 @ 1:41, 39, 40, 32, 38 (hill), 32, 32, 32, 32, 38. Pissed about that last one, but alas. Thought I saw Schrades while warming up on the 10k loop in Vilas Park; yelled his name and got a really strange look in return. Maybe it wasn't him...

Erik Brooks said...

Oh, I get it. This must be some kind of group training log... let me think consider the implications... I might just write again.