Monday, September 11, 2006


September 10

9mi, 1:02:48 (6:59/mi): Ford-Franklin. Easy run on chilly, misty day. Legs felt worse than I would have expected, but that's ok. Took it easy to prepare for a couple big weeks leading up to TC 10-mi. A fantastic lazy Sunday, more or less on the Calvin and Hobbes model.

Week: 60mi. Decent, considering the off-day and the pre-meet day. Figured I'd concede lower mileage rather than scramble myself into a pile of fatigue and render the next week's workouts useless...

September 9

10mi, Winning. The Opener. The Booyah. The Alumsyah. 33-35. I was 5th overall in 26:47 and would be much more frustrated with the day if it hadn't been bouyed by some fantastic races across the board. Physically, legs weren't great but the overall effort was pretty easy. Mentally I really need to start racing instead of just running. Never felt like I was pushing myself, and afterwards felt like the race had no effect on me. Should have followed the fat man. BUT! Still my third fastest XC 8K. BD is looking ready for some marathon throw-downaj. And huge congratulations are in order for Andrew Schroeder on an outright PR, as well as for my brother for a course-best only about 25s away from an outright PR that came on a rocketship course with the wind at his back...This was also probably the best ever Church Brothers combined performance in a single race. Booyah.

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