Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Puts His Jacket 'Round His Girl As The Autumn Wind Sends A Chill...

September 18

8mi, 53:34 (6:42/mi): LS8+xtra. Excellent easy run, exactly as planned. Chilly, but down on the west bank, probably about the two mile mark of the TC10M, there are two trees with brilliant yellow leaves like street lamps against deep evergreens and paler Wait For Octobers and a sky flirting with winter because it's just remembering how to be fall. So am I.

(Haven't shaved in a week...)

1 comment:

mugster said...

Tuesday: AM workout, about 5 miles, pickups, not too bad. Took a quick nap before going to meet with a prof, but when I got up my right leg killed in a weird hip-butt way. I think this is karma coming back to me for talking smack about Lundberg's dad. If this means no more your-daddy jokes I'm going to be pissed!