Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Shout A "Hip Ho-Ray!"

September 26

8mi, 56:19 (7:03/mi): Stone Arch Seven + xtra. Easy (!) with Senner. We can only assume that Birdman's increased strength during his taper is also the reason why teams like the Blue Jays have leaped into positions like second place. But the A's lost and the Twins clinched, so (some) things are starting to come together this week. There is a chill in the air and all things in this world are possible.


mugster said...

Tuesday: AM workout, 5x800, about 5 miles total. Felt great, until Matt decided to make me kill myself on the last 2. Grand accomplishment of the day: not going back to bed after the workout. Projecting an awesome 8 hours in the library today!

gz said...

get this... 2 mile warm-up, 4x200 (:26, :27, :27, :28) on high school track, 3 mile cool down. it was awesome. i even broke out the spikes. and i didn't barf, as i, and you, may have predicted. i was there for moral support and to rabbit as a buddy of mine trained for a 4hundo pride race this weekend.

Churchie said...

umm, dan, maybe it's time to move out of bizyah's place...

Andy S said...

For serious, Biz, you do need to adopt the Jackie Treehorn running plan for a bit here. As in, not. These three mile runs do nothing but aggrevate the time spent running aggrevating three-mile runs.

Erik Brooks said...

ciao fellahs!

26 min. of running up wolf creek.

pretty wet.


Andy S said...

Biz, you emphasized the wrong A. And, if you're correcting my spelling then, yes, you do appear aggravated.