Friday, September 08, 2006

We wasn't supposed to make it past 25, joke's on you, we still alive

September 8

5mi, 34:13 (probably slower than that, actually): Down the West Bank. Easy pre-meet run in new shoes. Legs were grateful for the cushioning and the pace. Decent stretching afterwards has legs starting to think about approaching chipperness.

September 7

4mi, Untimed. Easy shakeout run with Gehring. Legs felt horrible. So naturally, we went to Masa in search of a cure. Instead there were forbidden enchiladas and sangria and a fellah's table that places a distant third behind the Original Sevy Tea Room and Annie's. Most of all, there was a grumbling Chaypaw, which is all a brother can really ask for on his birthday.

1 comment:

mugster said...

1x finished proposal rough draft. 1x mouse caught. No running, just lots of jumping up and down with happiness over the dead mouse--been trying to catch the bastard for two months.