Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Now With These Hands...

September 11

PM: 7mi, 41:02 (5:51/mi): LS8. Pace only partially intentional, but it felt smooth and controlled and I should recover ok. Had planned on doing an easy 10, but rushed things in order to get to Phil's hippie class on time. The weather was cool and I felt good, but the best part of the run was the massive high school team out doing repeats on the river's Franklin Hill. They were in full-fledged High Schoolers Supporting Everyone mode. One kid announced "I see you on Wednesday nights!" and for the next 3/4 of a mile at least one kid in each pack of runners gave me a very earnest "Keep it up!" or "You got this!" More or less made my day. Schof, what is the problem with high school running?

AM: 5mi, 32ish: Down the West Bank. Pace was a little quicker than normal in the mornings but felt ok. Some fairly acute soreness in my left quad seemed to go away by the end.

1 comment:

Schrades said...

Mmmmm.....Booyah. A good week so far, and an even better one if you count the last few days of the prior week. Running is feeling easy and I've found time to run at least an hour a day recently. I'll need to pull back on mileage to end the week. Not a bad position to be in. And it has been raining for three days straight, during which time I've run 36 fantastic miles. Go figure.