Sunday, April 27, 2008

The way you look when you have got a story to begin

April 21-27

Five runs (M, T, R, F, Su), three at 30min, two at 50min. Had a couple fantastic runs this week. Monday's 30min and Thursday's 50min resembled efforts a fit person might complete. Resembled because fitter persons earn this week's Slabbaj Shout-Out for enduring Saturday's snow, sleet, rain and wind and giving a SCRC a solid showing at the Get In Gear 10K. I took offense at Saturday's weather and did not run.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Every moment points towards the aftermath/Yeah-ah-ah

April 14-20

Six runs (M, T, W, F, Sa, Su), three 30min, three 40min. Started to feel like a slow runner, as opposed to a fat slob, on Friday. Shin splints have subsided, like winter, and running was pretty great this weekend. Saturday's 30min involved Collin Lawrence, which briefly had me thinking I was as fast as Noah.

Monday, April 14, 2008

the turkey is supposed to represent "fitness"

So, I'm trying this not only because of the impending end of "christopher's" "training" "cycle" next week (wouldn't want the airwaves dead for the 15 minutes he takes off after the race...), but because i'm having a bit of trouble hunting down this "fitness" mf'er. clearly there is a direct correlation between writing on the blog and getting fitness. hence: thanksfest. or tharksfest. or whatever it is. anyway: i want correlation.

So, i'll start with today since today was mediocre, and it continued a point already being made about my failure to properly correlate.

AM: skipped the run to eat food.
PM: 3 miles warm up (very nice day). 6 mile tempo on the arb loop. Splits were: 5:00, 4:59, 5:06 up the hill, 5:04, 5:01, 5:00. Not nearly as easy as it should have been. Then, I jogged 2 miles. Then 6 x edgewood hill. Hills were not hard so much as they just made things feel hazy and weird. Very marathony. So 10 hills became 6. 1 mile jog home. Day total: 14

Fit, Fat or Rich

April 1 - 6

Five runs (T, R, F, Sa, Su), 35min each. Some of the most outstanding runs 35min has ever seen. Pleased with how I held up over the four consecutive days. Not as pleased with the wicked case of shin splints I'm developing. To be expected, I suppose.

April 7-13

Four runs (T, W, R, Sa), three for 40min, one for 30min. Shin splints are getting bad, but substantially improved by taking the extra day off, icing, and running on grass. The 40min run feels significant enough to spend another week learning how both complete it and breath, so I'm going to do that.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Which would make it a day off

I switched things up a little today and cut the potatoes into thin slices before I fried them, instead of cubes. They fry quicker, but it's hard to make sure you get both sides of each one cooked. I think there are real pros and cons to this thin slice method.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Eating French Fries By The Dock Of The Bay

March 18-31

Seven runs, six of them 30-min and one 15-min. Two yoga classes. Busy schedule and slippery snowfall derailed my normal schedule, but I'd expected that would happen was glad to spend two weeks remembering what it's like to run for half an hour. Running between 7- and 7:30-pace is generally easy and pain free as long as give myself time to stretch and otherwise lick my wounds. I say to March, Good Riddance.