Sunday, April 27, 2008

The way you look when you have got a story to begin

April 21-27

Five runs (M, T, R, F, Su), three at 30min, two at 50min. Had a couple fantastic runs this week. Monday's 30min and Thursday's 50min resembled efforts a fit person might complete. Resembled because fitter persons earn this week's Slabbaj Shout-Out for enduring Saturday's snow, sleet, rain and wind and giving a SCRC a solid showing at the Get In Gear 10K. I took offense at Saturday's weather and did not run.


Hools said...

am: 70 min. with corey and mike. all the arb trees blossoming fearless, even though they're going to get totally f'ed tonight by the frost.

pm: 50 min. heavy dizzle. considered acceptable risk.

day: 18 miles. 2 hr.

Hools said...

tuesday: 3 miles up. 8 x 3 min hard/2 min easy. 3+ miles down. Very good workout on the Buddha Loop. Absolutely perfect weather.

Also, here's a great way to waste some time. A documentary on Seb Coe and Ovett broken up into a bunch of sections on youtube. pretty sweet. here's the first:

chaypaw said...

April 28
8.5 (1:00) River.

April 29
12.5 (1:24) Franklin Hills
3+ WU, 1 mile easy tempo, then 4x Franklin Hill, then 4+ CD.

6:12/ 2:39, 2:39, 2:39, 2:36. Each one a little harder than the last. Same effort on the last one until the last little bit. Good early workout.

heather said...

Thanks for the shout out last week, Hooley!

Schrader reminded me that I need to look at your blog more often, and in the process of doing so, I saw your note.

Perhaps I'll post from time to time if y'all don't mind. I'm a little starved for contact with fellow runners down here in the heart of Dixie.

Just starting to resume running this week. I forced myself to take a full week off, even though I felt great within two days. Best I think I've ever felt post-marathon, which is odd given my 2 trips to the med tent.

It's turning into a day on/day off schedule due to finals, grading, faculty meetings, etc., which is probably for the best so I don't do anything stupid right now. I am hoping to put in a very intense summer of the most mileage I've ever run and don't want to end up injured before I get started. Or after, for that matter.