Saturday, January 20, 2007

What Did Ziggy Play?

January 20

14.5mi, 1:44:30 (7:12/mi): Four Lakes etc, first loop with Riles and Sherm, second loop minus Riles, third loop solo. Did not enjoy the third loop.


mugster said...

Sunday: 4.5 with John. Crappy, snow on the ground and sleeting, not nearly enough sleep, and too long since the last run. So went my first run in Chicago.

Run followed by 2+ hour nap. Now that was awesome! Has anyone heard about any sort of sleeping Olympics? I'm pretty sure I could medal...

mugster said...

Monday: 2 trips to Verizon. 2 trips to Best Buy. 2 calls with my bank's fraud protection. Still no cell phone service. Power cord for computer broken. Can't figure out why my bank thinks I'm a fraud.

Only 8 hours until the day from hell ends.

Erik Brooks said...

Jan 22: Skiied the first four days this week, then drove to Seattle. No running out west, but some fine ice cream eating with fellow fellah Will Kemper. I will run some next week. For certain!