Monday, January 15, 2007

You can tell me any/thing that you want 'cept 'I started seein Jenny.'

January 15

10.5mi, 1:16:09 (7:15/mi): NE via Condoland + WF20 without the hills. Interesting, V8-infused run. But legs felt better. And company was improved over the last few days. Gehring, Sherm, Schrad-rhad, Biz and Dan...


Andy S said...

Jan 14: 10 miles, unknown time, from condo down n around lake of the isles. nice and slow. legs felt like crap; I wonder why.

Jan 15: 5? miles, unknown time, from condo to NE and WF 20 (so they tell me). then 2xspicy tortilla soup, 3xice cream, 1xdiscovering gizoogle, 2x24, and 1xdocument review.

first time I have run two days in a row in quite a while. won't be making it three.

Hools said...

also, many of you don't know this, but you're going to be running the PPHC (Prospect Park Hill Climb) next new year's eve. If you are feeling indignant or don't believe this, feel free to visit our frequently updated website:

Hools said...

undo the spaces: