Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I hear leaders quit their lying/I hear babies quit their crying/I hear soldiers quit their dying one and all...

January 2

8mi, 56:53 (7:08/mi): Condoland. Easy run to Franklin and back to Sherman's with Mr. Condoland, Mr. Gehring and Mr. Biz. Yah. Then malts, etc.

January 1

9.5mi, 1:01:53 (6:31/mi): Calhoun-2xIsles. Ran the first 6.5ish with Matt Mascioli's brother. Picked it up for the last lap around Isles to celebrate the New Year.

December 31

6mi, 42:13 (7:02/mi): Isles, Blockbuster + xtra. Beautiful run over fresh snow. Way to go, 2006, I knew you could do it.

Week: 38.5mi. Ok. Missed a day that I didn't want to miss, but treated the week as planned.

Year: 2,544mi. Second highest yearly total behind 2002. Ran 20 races, of which 14 were either an outright PR, a Best Since College or a 1st-place finish.

December 30

Day Off. Downhill skiing @ Lutsen.

December 29

Day Off.

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