Sunday, January 14, 2007

If I Ever Get Home to Houston Alive...

January 14

8mi, 52:23 (whatever): LS8+xtra. Sluggish but fine. Warmer than, ya know, when it wasn't so warm.

Week: 60mi/6 days. As planned, but need to start hydrating and stretching more. And a Slabbaj Shout-Out to, well, it's pretty obvious.

January 13

14mi, 1:34:24 (reasonable): Fishouse Extended. Pretty cold on the way out, much better on the way home. Enjoyed an encounter with a heckler, wherein I stopped to ask exactly what his thinking was when yelling "Run Forrest, Run!" Learned, sincerely, that it's from this movie. Guess I'll have to check that out.

January 12

8mi, 52:30, (unreasonable): 2up, 4xWRR Hill, 2down. -8 windchill sent me home before I'd finished the planned 8hills. Welcome back, winter.


mugster said...

Sunday: 5 or 5.5 miles, an annoying 1 inch of snow covering most of the route. Nothing spectacular. It wasn't a 2:19 or anything.

Hools said...

thanks for rounding down, muggy. I figured it would only be a few hours before biz started rounding me up.

that was like the 3rd text message i have ever received. very exciting.

Erik Brooks said...

Exciting indeed. Pretty impressive Mr. Hooley -- and a 1:10 Lundberg as well!

Jan 14: Skiied all 7 days this week. 11+ hours worth. Still no running, but its bound to happen.