Saturday, January 20, 2007

Turn the lights off, carry me home.

January 19

12mi, 1:17:23 (6:27/mi): 3xPPHC. Untimed, because who am I but merely mortal against this Hill of hills? Some 8 year old kid walking home with a backpack started racing me while I was cooling down. He lost interest when he realized I was not, um, gaining on him. Still a little unsure on how the course finishes, so I took three different routes up the final ascent. Route #2 turned into not-a-route-at-all about 10 or 15 feet from the finish...leaving me crawling through the snow to the Witch's Hat. But. Much more fun than 200s. Arneson joined me for the first half of #1 but turned off. Next time I may try to avoid rush hour...Oh, and that turn onto Malcom is absolutely brutal.

January 18

9mi, 1:05:34 (7:17/mi): Skyline Nine with Biz and Gehring. Good easy run.

January 17

12mi, 1:17:46 (6:29/mi): Washington-Ford. 43:19 @ tempo (6min pace, 7+mi). Felt much smoother than last week, but things stopped working after I crossed Ford. Slanty street, icy surface, dark = empty legs and side stitch. Winter workouts...

1 comment:

Hools said...


i see no reason (after a workout like that) that you can't go sub 29:10 this spring.
