Monday, January 22, 2007

Seven Spanish Angels

January 22

10mi, wkout: 4x1600m @ T, 200m jog recovery. 5:27, :25, :26, :22. At the U fieldhouse, and all that implies. Legs felt ragged and tight. Not great but decent considering the last week. Almost time to visit the shoe-man.

January 21

6mi, 46:05 (7:48/mi): Four Lakes loop. Nice and easy with Riles and Sherman over fresh snow. 1xsprint from the L to Midway.

Week: 70mi. On schedule...legs feeling a little banged up.


Churchie said...

I heard that same rumor! Plus there have been some whispers about his presence at the Fourth Annual PPHC...

Hools said...

I'll contact the elite athlete recruitment team immediately!!

Erik Brooks said...

Very sweet of you gentlelads. I WILL, at the very least, know by Feb. 5th about my supposed participation in the Wasatch 100. Should that happen, I'd be honored to have some younger, fleet-footed pacers...more on that particular temptation later!