Thursday, January 11, 2007


yesterday: super hugified orgey of a 25 or 30 minute run with quite a few stops to look at the cascades waterfall and to climb down a slippery overhang in a very foolish way.

today: ran the Giffey loop. figured it be about, ya know, an hour. wound up running for more like 1:35. legs felt good though, despite cranking out something like 4 miles yesterday.

No Biz, you're being to hard on yourself. I'm the one who is at fault here.


Hools said...

I like this trend of having the least recent day appear first. good job fellahs.

me too, chape.

Hools said...

furthermore: i was wasting some time just now, reading archived "Chapel's Corner"s and that shit is hilarious. We (tom) should make that happen again. What do you think, Chapel? Maybe Sherm could write some of them too. He's funny (looking).