Thursday, January 11, 2007

F-U-G-E. E. Get the CD from Sam Goody.

January 11

10mi, 1:13:17 (7:20/mi): MTPO Reverse. Loooooovely easy run with Biz and Smerch. Biz can correct me on the spelling. IT better. Legs still a little tight. Nothing some mangoes in Trinidad with attorneys can't cure. You can tell by the way I roll...

1 comment:

mugster said...

Thursday: 5 miles on a treadmill. I hate treadmills, but it was cold outside (and by cold, I mean Portland cold, so just chilly) and all my warm clothes were disgustingly dirty. But I did get to watch an episode of Macgyver (my favorite TV show of all time) while running. If only I could make bombs with my pocket knife and have a mullet I'd be cool too.

Now sitting around in dirty running shorts while I do my laundry. They're smelly. Ewww.