Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

Today: Nice night run. BBB&B (Big Blue Bridge and Back). 'bout an hour. Winter nights are so beautiful.

Yesterday: Chunked around the golf course. Henry Ford was a bastard.

Day before that: Quick run with Tom, Sherman, Ghering, Biz and Chapel.

Day before that would have been, un, Sunday: Don't think I ran. I was down in Northfield. I didn't run in the morning. I got home and went to a potluck one of the Wobblies was putting on. The Wobblies are not bastards.

Saturday: I ran with Chapel, as I recall. Lets see... I got back from Indiana on Friday night so Saturday must have been when we ran Chapel's new "Hey we could just run north and then turn around run." And I thought Joel was boring.

Friday: I don't remember running when I got back into town.


Hools said...

i remember eating dinner with heather may in texas.

mugster said...

Friday: 1x move to Chicago; 1x countless boxes moved; 1x absolutely NO cell phone service in my new apartment! Damn Verizon!

Potential run tomorrow with John Giese, could be my first real run in Chicago. Awesome.

heather said...

Phil reminded me about this blog and I thought I'd pop in to send up another round of Congrautlations your way. Seeing Matt cruise towards the finish line under the "A" standard was definitely the highlight of my weekend.

Biz, sorry I missed you. Given the weekend, you definitely deserved a seat amongst the elite and I did not. Nice run.

Anyone else catch the virus from hell in Texas? I know they grow everything bigger down there but, sheeeee-yit. I've been down for the count since three hours after the race and am still not back on track. I've not been sick for a week since I graduated from college in, well, nevermind.

So, no training to report on this end.