Monday, July 17, 2006

Johnny's Everybody's Man!

July 17

12mi, 1:18:46 (6:34/mi): 8xHill (West River Road) in 2:41, :38, :37, :37, :38, :36, :31, :22. Felt great in perfect evening weather. Had only been planning to run six but felt fantastic, so ran two extra with the second half harder on number seven and number eight at something like 5K tempo, not all-out. Recovered very easily. It should go without saying that I do not think my 5K tempo is 4:44/mi and that this hill is short of 800m.


Bryan said...
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Bryan said...

July 15th: 10 untimed. 8 by myself and then 2 with a very hot dog. Starting to feel a bit better now, even though it is rediculously hot.

July 16th: 8 in ~57, 6 by myself and 2 with Boulder. Felt pretty good, but it was hot and steamy once again.

July 17th: 8 in ~55. Uneventful run.

July 18th: 12 in ~80, 10 by myself and 2 with Boulder. Felt good, probably the best run since the house-work-induced running hiatus.

In other news, apparently a good way to stay hydrated is to drink glycerine lubricant....interesting....