Friday, July 28, 2006


July 28

10mi, Workout: UofM Track. 3ish warm-up, 1x800@T, 16x200m w/200m jog recovery, 2+ cool down. Felt very, very sluggish, especially to start and was moderately concerned that I would go into lactate on the warm-up. Did the threshold 800 (2:43)to try and wake-up a little bit but I'm not sure it did much. First three 200s were 34-mid, 36-mid, 36-low, the next 12 were untimed because a) the watch was stressing me out, b) effort and form were all that mattered and c) it's time to start practicing what I preach from time to time. Timed the last one and ran harder for 30.48. Comparing effort I'd guess that I settled in around 34s for the untimed reps, but I obviously don't know. Great workout to break the monotony of pounding pavement and even wore spikes for the 200s. Heat was getting to me a little bit despite the fact that all miles were completed before 9:30 as required. Recovered pretty easily. I am nominating whoever decided to use the Super Powerful Air Conditioner in the fieldhouse bathroom for sainthood. And whoever decided to lock the door before #14 is nominated for damnation, unless I accidently did it myself. Hools, you may have another 200s convert...

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