Sunday, July 16, 2006


July 16

12mi, 1:22:41 (6:53/mi): Hennepin-Lake (the streets not the race...) + xtra. Ok run at earlier than is preferable o'clock. Benefitted from the fringes of a thunderstorm, but didn't get the downpour that lucky folks about 5mi further south recieved. Should have run the other direction. Collapsed on the futon (it's cool...) immediately upon return...

Week: 50mi. Lumberjack Days 10mi coming up this Saturday...need to do some accells or other fast-making activities...

July 15

8mi, 54:08 (6:46/mi): LS8. Best run in two weeks, amazingly. Turned off the alarm again and started out with the goods just after 7pm. Ninety-five all day, but there was enough shade and breeze on the river road to keep things from getting outrageous.

1 comment:

Schrades said...

Hot, 10/10.