Monday, August 21, 2006

So Kiss Me Goodbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee!

August 21

13.5mi, 1:30ish (wkout): 10xHill. 2:39, :36, :38, :41, :32, :42, :36, :31, :30, :23. Felt awful and unfocused the whole way. After the fourth I was planning to cut the workout to six, but I foolishly raced a bike on the fifth and got myself feeling worse than I already did. So my punishment from Coach Myself was partially re-extending the workout to eight. Then on the sixth I felt the effects of foolishly racing the bike, and Coach Myself made me do the full workout. Very frustrated with the absence of focus and consistency during the first half of the workout, but also very happy with the way I finished. One of my best "feeling bad" workouts since college, and since those are more important than the "feeling good" workouts, I'll come away from this feeling positive.

August 20

12mi, 1:20:40 (6:43/mi): Ford-Washington. Easy run with Hools and Biz. Not 13mi. Legs felt remarkably good, possibly because of the six mile cool-down yesterday, but more likely because of Samuel L. Jackson.

Week: 54mi. Mileage took a hit this week because I wanted to recover for the race, so I'm glad it paid off. Volume will go up this week, maybe to eleven. And I'll be doing one million quality miles, but I don't talk about those on the blog for reasons that I can't talk about on the blog. First rule of quality miles...

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