Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"Is 'Masterstroke' One Word?"

August 14

AM: 4mi, 29:14 (7:17/mi): Shortcut. Legs felt absolutely useless, but the run was slow enough that it didn't matter. And it was completed around 7:40am.

PM: 7mi, 49:43 (7:06/mi): Isles and Calhoun. Legs still felt terrible, but had the pleasure of running with a certain Christoph Ibele so it was easy to forget about the fact that my legs don't work. Learned, among other things, the virtues of running counter-clockwise around Calhoun so as to ensure a smooth finish back to Isles. Also got Christoph to accept roughly half of the blame for the whole Senner-Kate debacle...

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