Wednesday, April 12, 2006

He Got That Ambition, Baby

April 12

7mi, 47:32 (6:47/mi): Franklin-Summit + xtra. Good easy run that could serve as an adequate pre-meet workout should there in fact be a meet that this run preceeds. And I don't know if this is a good omen or a bad omen, but Daniel Cabrera walked nine batters in five innings this time, and he struck-out ten. Meanwhile, the Blue Jays announcers spent much of the third inning tonight saying things like "you know, I read somewhere that David Ortiz has been a triple shy of the cycle on tons of different occasions. Well of course he's always a triple shy of the cycle, he just lost about six and a half pounds legging out that double. I wonder if Ortiz has ever hit a triple!" So much more interesting than any I'm moppin' floors, tomorrow the fries.

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