Week: 69mi/6days. No workouts to speak of, but started to feel pretty decent towards the end of the week. Fantastic running in Ashland -- very excited for Woods to Water.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Who The Hell Are You Guys?
March 25
16.5mi, 1:49:40 (6:39/mi): Whatever Schrades Seize. Another epic. It might be accurate to say that we were running from the cold up in New England, but we almost certainly were not running from anything. Especially once Schrades decided just to let it flow free. It would be more accurate to say that we were born to be fiddlers in old time string bands. And so, Northland College, please blame Willie Nelson for encouraging our mothers to discourage us from lives that might involve picking guitars. Who the hell are we? We are doctors and lawyers and such. Where did we come from? Exactly. 

Week: 69mi/6days. No workouts to speak of, but started to feel pretty decent towards the end of the week. Fantastic running in Ashland -- very excited for Woods to Water.
Week: 69mi/6days. No workouts to speak of, but started to feel pretty decent towards the end of the week. Fantastic running in Ashland -- very excited for Woods to Water.
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Any title like that with the pictures you've posted deserves a more coherent explanation, Tom. Especially after Schrades promised one.
March 26
AM: 8+ (55:43) Stone Arch 8 Modified. Tried to run the actual route, but discovered the sidewalk on the Hennepin Ave bridge was closed. So I ran up past Sherman's place continuing up the river 'til I could cross to the East bank. Debated crossing on the RR bridge immediately north of Hennepin, but decided against it, since there's no sidewalk. Probably only the failed attempt(s) to get back to the river road were what made the run any longer than it would have been normally. Felt really good, and had to hold back on the pace. Did a moderate job at that. 51 degrees at the finish.
PM: 4 (27:49) WF Extended. Ran up to the WF, turned right on the parkway, and never looked back. Until I turned around 5 minutes later. Definitely not used to running twice in a day and it being 75 degrees at the finish. Destination hydration.
This weekend could have easily been called the MMT (magical mystery tour). Having nothing at all to lose, we were undercover as ourselves. We likely added an interesting turn to the drug induced dreamworld of the typical Northland college student.
Firstly, Tom was in his not so rare form on the dance floor during the Ashland Folk Fest (40th annual) at Northland College. We both looked out of control and more importantly out of place among these unclean sortof hippies just out of hibernation. The most concentrated example of a Northland college student is a gentleman of approximately my age (graduated several years but still around) with a post-Wyoming Biz sized beard, beard-locks to his belly button, short pony tail (unclean), homemade knit (yarn and needles) overalls, shirtless, and very ripe. The chicks really seemed to dig this sort of undude. There were also mucho drugs, tats, and industrial piercings among those we met that evening. The only person who looked even vaguely attractive had been made fun of and called dirty names for her entire time there at Northland.
So, we weren't all that surprised when this chick turns between songs and asks us straight-up, "Who the hell are you guys!" She followed our answer of "Tom and Schrades" with "Where did you come from?"
Second, Tom ended up on stage with the band belting out one of his favorite songs from OCMS. His rendition of Wagon Wheel went down to thunderous applause. We were reminded of the small social scene of Ashland for the rest of the weekend, as Tom became a bit of a local celebrity after his performance. He roped me into being his bodyguard for our trip into town for coffee and groceries. One of his more crazed fans tried to run us off the road during our Sunday LR in the country.
Our night continued with a birthday party for some Northland students. No beer was available at this bring-your-own-intoxicants party. Tom put his quickly sober shmoozing right to work, calling everyone by name after the first introduction. Through the entire evening we were escorted by a relatively clean and trustworthy couple we had met earlier at the maple syrup boil.
The reaction of the students to the two of us obviously foreign professionals was at times comical. "He's a lawyer" drew some looks of concern from several Northlanders. This apprehension was quickly relieved upon hearing of my chosen profession of anesthesiology. "Now there is a GRrrEAAAT job!"
It was a fine weekend. I feel inspired to run more, especially long and down gentle hills all the way to large bodies of fresh water. I'd also like to get my fiddle back and jam with Tom. Anyone play the banjo?
Saturday: bout 7, over to and up the Strip in Las Vegas. Up early enough to avoid the mass of humanity (all walking at 80-year-old oldster pace) and the dudes trying to give call-girl cards to me.
Sunday: Lost my money playing poker so I had to up and leave.
Monday: Somewhere around 8, up n down the River. Weather was, as those of you in the Cities know, fucking glorious. Not just glorious. Fucking glorious.
that was a remarkable (& coherent) explanation, Schrades.
where'd you match???
Week: 30 mi.
My second in a row. Running in new shoes is nice, and Max, despite initial protests and tail between the leggedness, joined me for an easy 10 on Sunday afternoon. Out on wolf creek road - in and amidst the logging slash from last fall. Good rolling hills. 2 steady climbs. Muddy!
March 27
11 (1:16:39) LSCC+ Ran over to the LS with Biz. We didn't have to sprint, as we left at a reasonable time today, which was probably good since Biz insisted on eating an apple on the way over. He still pushed the pace. Run was nice and easy, but a bit longer than expected. I'm not going into the 70s this week, so there might wind up being a pretty short day at the end of the week. Fortunately, it's looking like that will be Sunday, after another morning at Hyland.
Tuesday PM: 4.5 mile loop. Slept in this morning and therefore missed the gorgeous 70 degree weather. Instead, I got 40 and windy, but felt surprisingly peppy and ended up doing an uptempo run--a little faster on the way out into the wind and then probably about 30 or 40 seconds faster per mile than normal on the way back. Still felt good. Actually did abs when I got home in the hopes that it will make my back happier. Keep your fingers crossed.
March 28
6ish (45ish) Hills Wkt. 2 up, 2 down, 4 hills. Alternated bounding and springing with running. Timed the running ones (#2 and 4) in 64 and 61s, so it's well short of a quarter, but I was running decently fast. There's an intersection most of the way up the Fillmore hill I was using where the hill gets steeper, and so I bounded up to there, and sprang (sprung?) the rest of the way up. I don't know how Biz did 13 of these. Goodness. I'll take the 75 degrees now, please.
Senner, I had a friend swallow a camera pill a few weeks ago. The potential benefit you'd gain from this is the possibility that you'd crap the camera pill out within 48 hours, in which case you'd see the blinking light from the pill flashing in the toilet. Didn't happen with her, sadly.
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