Monday, March 12, 2007

I still hear guitars in the air as we sat in the sand...

March 11

8mi, 51:35 (6:27/mi): LS8+xtra. Everything felt as normal as it ever does. (Happy Birthday, Jill McKiernan!)

Week: 35mi/5days. I get fragile at high(er) volume. Need to take care of myself a little better so that I can string a few of these 75+ weeks together...

March 10

10mi, Lake Johanna 4mi (21:47/2nd): 2mi WU w/Gehring. Race Splits: 5:26, :28, :33, :18. 4mi CD. Treated this as a workout. My goal was to run within myself, feel comfortable and to back off if my groin started to flare-up. I hadn't done anything fast in about two weeks, so this was a good wake-up call for my body a week ahead of the Human Race. Digger took off in 5:05 for the first mile and I had no interest or business following him. Effort was comfortable and easy until just before the 3-mile mark, which comes at the end of a gigantic uphill. I started to get a stitch over the last mile and finished feeling humbled by the time. Overall, though, a decent day.

March 9

8mi, 50:47 (6:21/mi): LS8+xtra. Again, no pain. Very nice weather, and refreshing to be running on solid surfaces. Threw in some accells of various paces and distances to see if it hurt to run fast. Success on that count. Did one ~1000m interval at about 3:20 (based on a marked 800m on the river road) and found it to be much more difficult than it should be.

March 8

5mi, 33:45 (6:45/mi): West Side Five. No pain at all, but I was a little nervous about pushing things past 5mi. Also felt very sluggish after so much no-or-slow running. (Happy Birthday, Mom!)

March 7

Day Off. Tried to go out for a test run, but ice made it impossible to do much of anything. Ran for about 10-11min and felt OK on the few sections where I had traction and could take a normal stride. Wherever it was icy (most places) and I had to clip or adjust my stride I could feel it. Frustrated. More stretching/icing.

March 6

Day Off. Stretching/icing.

March 5

4mi, 32:39 (8:08/mi): Shortcut. Everything was much improved after a fridgid Sunday ice bath, except my groin. That was better than yesterday, but I felt it walking around and it was a persistent dull ache during this slog. Exceptionally icy sidewalks/streets didn't help. Lots of stretching/icing after.


Andy S said...

Saturday: 10 miles, lake of the Isles, with Nick. Slow and easy.

Sunday: 10 miles, lake of the isles -- but counterclockwise! -- with Betsy. Slow and easy.

Was running 20 miles in 2 days after weeks of general inactivity wise? Will it, and the fantasticgloriouswonderful weather, get my training kick-started? Who provided the better company? All imponderables...

Happy late birthday, Mrs. Church!

Sansone said...

60 degrees in Virginia. Found a trail that runs from work out along the Potomac. It's supposed to go about 4 miles out, but I've only gone about 3. Still, it's a nice trail and I plan to use it to slowly get back in shape. It goes right by one of the high schools around here. Nothing more motivating than seeing some grungy looking kids running in formation along the river. One day I'll-a ketch em. Slab on, Fellahs.

mugster said...

Last Thursday: usual 4.5 m, legs felt fine but the lungs were really unhappy which made for a less than awesome run.

Sunday: beautiful, amazingly glorious weather! Ran about 7 which was pushing it--the last 20 minutes I definitely knew it was further than my usual loop. I love the fact that spring comes early in Chicago.

Monday morning: cute guy smiled at me at the bus stop. Then 50 year old in a beret repeatedly made catcalls at me while he crossed the street and got his newspaper. The old woman standing with me gave me the evil eye as though to imply that my grungy jeans and sweatshirt were an invitation for such behavior. She was so right.

Schrades said...

Mar 11
Great Bear Chase 50k (48k), Calumet, MI. 2:46:09 (a mere 50 minutes behind a one Mr. Owen Hanley). Went out conservative for the first of two laps. Had some stability trouble and bit it four times in the first lap, which took a bit of the edge off my plan to begin pushing in lap two. Clearly I need to keep working on skiing. Perhaps my relatively soft skis were a poor choice for the morning after a hard freeze during a warming spell. But, having only one pair of skis, my options were limited. Amazingly, Owen won the last and best door prize of the day: a pair of hard Salomon skate skis. Being a sponsored athlete and unable to ski them, he immediately pulled me up from where I was sitting next to him and gave them to me. I've had a grin on ever since---which looks pretty ridiculous with the black eye I had given myself during my spectacular third fall on lap one. Next year: better racing on sweet new skis. Thanks Owen! Oooooooh!