March 23
8mi, 52:24 (6:33/mi): LS8+xtra. Absolutely beautiful day; ran shirtless on le river road. Wonderful. Buuuuut, hammys, calves and lower back were very, very tight. Stopped to stretch a lot. Frustrating, but hard to be too upset with this weather.
March 22
12mi, 1:23:28 (6:57/mi): Como+Pierce Butler. First hour or so with Boulder, Dan and Biz, then added on with Biz. To clarify, the add-on was the portion on Pierce Butler. Boulder did not join us for that. I wasn't altogether clear why we joined us for that.
It's been a while, but I'll just start with what I can remember
March 21
12--10x800 on Carmel High School track at 10:00 at night. Lovely weather and a great workout. Started at 2:36 and got them down to 2:31. Those are approximations because I had to do the workout in lane 5, but can't complain when it is 50 degrees and absolutely calm. Good times. Also saw two California Condors during the day. Very cool.
March 22
14--whole river loop in 1:29:56; felt pretty darn good and nice to be able to run on some familiar trails. Perfect running weather yet again
March 23
13--University loop in 1:21. Felt like crap yet ran hard. Why you might ask?
March 24
23--In-laws extended plus in-laws 2:30:01. Started out slow and just kept it at a relaxed pace and it felt great. That's two great long runs in a row. But had to get my long run out of the way a day early because I have to fast tomorrow in prep for invasive and demeaning medical procedures on Monday. Fun stuff.
March 25
6+ (44:41) A&W+ Started the morning wondering just where Biz would be coming back from in order to plan my run accordingly to catch him before he finished. Gave up and headed out, only to hear some footsteps a few minutes into the run. Got all the way to Lowry before Biz muttered something about "heading back" and so I went back with him. Added, maybe 5 or 6 minutes to a run that's a little short to begin with. Otherwise, I discovered that a headband would still have been good, even with no hair to keep out of my eyes. There was still plenty of sweat, as it was north of 60 when I started. Goodness. Spring is here.
58 Miles, one workout, solid long run. Felt like I was holding on to the reigns pretty tight the whole week, which is great. Overall I'm extremely pleased with the week- Feeling better than I have in months physically, and also running more miles. Next week I'll start the doubles...
Weekend with Churchie
29 miles in 2 glorious morning of running. We are not students at Northland College. Details forthcoming.
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