Monday, February 19, 2007

Clouds of her own, na na na-na

February 19

12mi, 1:11:38 (5:58/mi): Washington-Ford. 60min @ tempo. 1mi WU, 4:30 CD. Very good workout, although I was feeling prouder before I checked Biz's post. 10+, and as much as 10.5 on the tempo portion, feeling relatively relaxed until the last 2-3min when I decided to pick it up. Hit what I had been thinking was the 10mi mark in about 57 and change. Lovely weather definitely helps...


chaypaw said...

Feb 18
3 (23:11) Summit. Maybe a little long, but really, who cares. It was nice out, and it felt good. What didn't feel good was the migrane I got afterwards.

Week: 56 miles, 7 days, 1 workout. Right on schedule, still building for another couple weeks before the Human Race.

Feb 19
Day Off. Unplanned. Recovering from Sunday.

Feb 20
10 (1:07:25) Phoenix. Ran over to get my car with BIz. Nice run, if a bit uncomfortable in the calf dept. for a while. Loosened up and drove home in my own car. Not sure exactly what I'm going to do with the rest of the week.

mugster said...

Tuesday: another run, only took about 3 or 4 miles to work out the soreness from the last run, and then the run was over. but running in shorts almost made up for the crappiness of the day, gotta love early spring.

Schrades said...

I returned to running at the Valentines 5k 10 days ago. 17:37 off of 50 miles since December 9th. Felt good.

Arrived Ashland today. The weather threatens to make this weekend's ski race typical of those in the midwest: more dashed hopes. Since I'll be here anyway I promise to ski whatever they offer or travel elsewhere to purge my aggression.

Whiney ass people in Madison this weekend at the carwash love the fact that "spring" is here. Just to rant, I would advise them not to get their hopes up. Not only do groundhogs agree on 3 more weeks of winter, the truth is that the leaves won't be out until well through April and therefore it may as well stay below freezing so that fewer people break their hips (asses) on that pesky glare ice that reared its head this morning after the "lovely" thaw-freeze cycle we experienced yesterday. You do realise that you live in Wisconsin...

chaypaw said...

Feb 21
8 (53:20) Tom's into Stone Arch 8. Probably pretty close to 8, fastish time notwithstanding. Ran a somewhat impromptu progression run, first chasing down some polite U guys, then frolicking on the grass on Boom Island, and then "racing" a frontloader back on the Polish Bakery Expressway. Also, it was 45 degrees. Probably ran the last couple miles around 6 min pace, after working gradually down to that. Felt good, comfortable the whole way. Cooled down the last two blocks, after having to stop at Central.

chaypaw said...

Feb 22
10 (1:13:16) MTPO Reverse. Not bad, but definitely overdressed, which contributed to the slowness. Overall, though, I'm happy with it being slow.