Thursday, February 22, 2007

There Are Nights When I Think That Sal Paradise Was Right

February 22

8mi, 55:19 (7:02/mi): LS8+xtra. Legs a little tender. She was a damn good dancer.

February 21

14.5mi, 1:36:17 (6:37/mi): Fishing Line. Around the lakes and back through downtown, car drop off. Dark. Thought about complex structures.

February 20

Day Off. Busy.


Sarah said...

Tom Church I am reading your blog tonight because I need something to do while eating pudding and have to ask if that is a Hold Steady reference. Because there has been nothing else playing in my car for like a month.

Churchie said...

If you run LS8 you'll end up on Washington, talking to the river.

Hools said...

biz maybe you should have competed in this race instead of doing 4 x mile:

chaypaw said...

Feb 23
8 (53:15) Intervals. 15 WU over to the GC. Picked out a starting landmark and planned to do 6 x 4min threshold intervals. Ran the first one picking out a good stopping place to get even distances for the segments. Only bad thing was the head/tail wind that was MASSIVE. Intervals 1, 3, and 5 were with the wind (and I'm sure the leaves blowing past beat me to the finish on each of them) while 2 and 4 were into the wind. I decided to can the last one because of the wind, and I wanted to keep it threshold. Ran: 3:55, 4:01, 3:54, 4:09 (yup, windy) and 3:51. Pretty good workout, I think the distance is pretty close, but a little short of 1200. Nice to have it done, anyway. and 18 minutes of CD.