Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Out Of The Sidehatch

November 1

10.5mi, UMN Track. 3up, 20x200m w/200m jog rec, 2.5down. Good workout on a cold, windy day. Timed selectively. #1 - 35mid, #5 - 32mid, #16 - 33low, #20 - 30high. Guessing I averaged around 33s. Felt decent running faster, but need to start doing some drills and strides so that I stop falling back on my heels.


Schrades said...

And sque-ee-ee-eea-eeaa-ze! Starting to feel up to the challenge of this weekend's double team supreme.

Churchie said...

booyah, schrades! i knew you'd come through - now, close out this MARS business...

Churchie said...

you're either with us or against us, senner.