Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"Why Couldn't Phidippides Have Died Here?"

June 17

27mi, Grandma's Marathon, 2:58:28 chip time. Well, the thing about second marathons is that you have to run them in order to get to the third, fourth or fifth marathon. This isn't one of those "I-just-won't-write-a-9th-symphony" deals. So my second marathon is completed, and as second marathons go, it was pretty much what should be expected unless you happen to be Paul Anderson. And if you are Paul Anderson you've spent your whole life being the exception that proves the rule, so why should anything change just because you're competing in an event that has the audacity to describe itself as a race?

All things considered, even the running was pretty fun. No problems getting right up front and finding Schrades and Biz at the start. Schrades and I (and Mark Rapacz) ran about 6min pace together for the first 13mi, but slowly and surely the legs had started to feel not as legs should. Heat and humidity caught up with me by mile 19 and it was clear I would not there were substantial walking breaks from 19 on in. Ran with Schrades from 19-22. Had a brief reunion with that bridesmaid around mile 22.5. Almost collapsed at 26 when Hools yelled "Rejoice! I am Victorious!" Was sort of hoping to cross the line in Solidarity with Phil, but we missed eachother by about a minute. Congrats to Gehring on a 5min PR in some poor conditions. And kudos to Jill McKiernan on finishing her first marathon despite having to listen to "Honkey-Tonk Badonkadonk" during her last 200m. Most of all, thanks to Andrew Schroeder for keeping me motivated to train as much as I did and then for pulling me through some tough miles towards the end. CC Slab, baby. CC Slab.

June 16

3ish. Slowish. Pre-Meet. Legs felt good, not even normal-taper-stale...


Bryan said...

Fellahs, what's happening!
So, I have recently found out that (barring injury) I'll berunning in the up coming TC Marathon this fall! So, I guess to keep myself honest with my training, I'll post here as well. An update of the past few days:

June 17th
8 (61) First 4 alone (28) next 4 wiht Boulder (33). It was hot and he doesn't like the heat, so I only ran half of the run with him. Right hammie has been hurting, takes about a mile or so and some stretching to warm it up.

June 18th
10 (69) First 8 quick by myself, next 2 with Boulder. It was hot and humid, kicked my butt royally.

June 19th
6 First 4 by myself, then 2 with Boulder. Nice and easy recovery. Cooler cuz it was morning.

June 20th
8 (56) 3 up, 2x mile @ ~5:20 with 45 sec. recovery, 3 down. Felt good in my first real marathon-inslipred workout.

June 21st
5 (40) with Boulder. Nice and slow with the dog, he keeps me at a good slow recovery pace. Hammie is still hurting.

Bryan said...

June 22nd:
8 (53) 2-2-1-1-2, oh yeah. Felt pretty good, it was humid as shit, like I was swimming. hammie is still a pain, but the 2 warm up loosened it up allright. I'm looking forward to racing again sometime soon!

Bryan said...

June 24th:
11 (~72), 9 by myself, then 2 with boulder. First 9 went great, then a nice cool down with the dog. It's a bit cooler this weekend, so he is feeling better.

June 25th:
8 (58), 6 by self and 2 with dog. Explored some new trails in the first 6, it was a nice relaxing run, hammie got loosened up well, so that's nice.

June 26th:
9 (58), 3 up, 3x mile in ~5:25 to 5:30, 3 down. Hammie felt much better after the easy run yesterday.

Bryan said...

June 27th:
6 (40) Nice and easy recovery run. Felt pretty good, hammie is settling down a bit.

Schrades said...

Making up my training for the next few weeks as I eye a 3000m under the lights next Thursday as a "main" event. Maybe a fun run on the 4th?

Some biking last Friday with BP. 10 on my legs last Saturday with J. Glorified strides on the track last night just to shake out and warn my calves about what's coming. Wishing now that I'd been doing drills all along. Was able to switch gears just fine without pulling anything.

Anything special to run up in TC this weekend? Ooohhh.

Bryan said...

June 28th:
8 (53), 2-2-1-1-2. Felt pretty good, roughly 5:35 pace for the fast parts, but who knows cuz nothing's actually measured.

Schrades: I don't know of anything specific going on, but I'll be running in TC starting on Saturday, so we should try to meet up. My Saturday run will probably be fairly early as I have something to do at 11:00, but Sunday works too. Let me know if you're interested.