Thursday, April 03, 2008

Which would make it a day off

I switched things up a little today and cut the potatoes into thin slices before I fried them, instead of cubes. They fry quicker, but it's hard to make sure you get both sides of each one cooked. I think there are real pros and cons to this thin slice method.


bizyah said...

April 4: AM Luniz 36:15. Sore and tight, so took it easy.

PM: 2 lakes from Marathon Sports w/ Jason Havey. 50 mins. Indeterminate distance somewhere between 6 and 8 miles. New shoes too. They have some positive qualities, but the jury remains out as to whether they're the move pour le marathon. Bedar.

April 5: 19 min warmup, 3 x 2k @ Edison track w/800 jog recovery. 6:29 felt pretty tough, 6:39 fell apart after opening in 76, 6:40 did the first lap at mp (85), then tried to pick it up each lap, went 82, 78, 78, 76. It felt better to do it that way. Not a great workout for building confidence for that 5k next week, but I can live with a slow 5k and a decent marathon. For now anyway. I keep hoping that running faster will begin to feel easier, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Oh well. Bedar.

chaypaw said...

Week of March 31-April 6
42.5 miles, 6 days. 1 failed wkt, 14 LR.
Relatively good week, all things considered. The LR was ok, but noticeably longer than I'd run in a while. On thursday I tried a tempo run, called it off after two mediocre miles of sucking wind and jogged back. Slower than the tempo two-mile repeats I did a week before, despite no wind and shorts. Bleh. Need to actually run before being in shape, it turns out.

Went looking for Phil's house on the LR, which proved elusive. Could have been lack of preparation, but I'm skeptical this "intersection" even exists. Met Kyle at Minnehaha park and combined powers but were still defeated by Phil's house. If it's real.

bizyah said...

April 6: 1:41:15 Ran over to Chap's at an increasingly quick pace which felt fabulous, then ran with some fellahs for a half hour, then added on with fewer fellahs and we gradually picked it up and closed that out reasonably quick as well. Legs felt great, a little stiff and sore to start out but generally pretty solid.

Week: 79 miles. Another big reduction in mileaj is in store next week, something in the low 50's is the plan. No more doubles, just 14 more runs and then it's marathon time. Should be sweet.

Erik Brooks said...

March 31-April 6:
43mi. A short hill workout. 2 longish runs. One of 12, another of about 9 - but it took me 1:45 because I foolishly hit the trails and the not-yet-melted snow. The 1st 50 minutes were great! The middle part I ran with my legs fitted nicely into the sleeves of my upside down long-sleeved shirt. After 10 minutes of postholing in 18 inches of frozen crust, my bleeding legs cried out for the aformentioned fashion breakthough. A fine week!

bizyah said...

April 7: Diagonal 8 53:50. Nice and easy. A tad sore to start out but by halfway there was an unfamiliar sensation of lightness and fluidity rising from my legs. It was almost as weird as the snowflakes that fortunately weren't accumulating, unlike the Range up north where they got 2 feet of snow yesterday. Woof. The lightness in my legs quickly caused envy in my bowels which determined that they too were entitled to a sense of fluidity. Luckily there's plenty of cover on the Diagonal trail. . .

Brooksie, that sounds fabulous! I'll keep that technique in mind!!!

Hools said...

the meissen report is as follows:
brother may be putting together a co-ed team with Kara on his own. but, things are still up in the air, so it seems. he promises to get back to me.

brooksie: are you training for anything? just bloody legs?

bizyah said...

April 8: MTPO 1:05:34. 15 minutes up, 35 minutes increasingly fast, 15 minutes down. Felt pretty good. Could have run faster and for a longer period of time, but figured that it was plenty. Probably started out around 6:20ish after the warmup and brought it down into the 5:20-30 sorta range. Decided to go with the trainers for the marathon, but will wear these lighter things for faster workouts between now and then. Hardest thing from here in is going to be forcing myself to rest and sleep even when I don't want to. Life's tough. Bedar.

Erik Brooks said...

Hooley Cat: I'll do a few local trail races in the next month and then all the older Fellahs and I are decending upon Minnesota for the Afton Alps 50k (July 5th). It'll be ugly across the board, being the day after a brats, beer, and stand-around-in-the-sun-all-day-at a-parade fest, but at least the extreme humidity should keep us limber.

I might get things together for a fall marathon or a fall 50k after that. We shall see.

I know that Lundberg is currently "tapering" for Boston. Anyone else out there have specific races in mind?

bizyah said...

April 9: LSCC 41:35, 5+. Nice and easy. How's that for some taperaj?

bizyah said...

April 10: 16 min up, 6 x 1000, 20 min down. 3:12, 3:14, 3:24--big break, 3:29, 3:24, 3:21. Calf tightened up on the third one so I backed off, then took about 5 mins to walk/massage it out. Otherwise was taking 1 min rest. Was probably a bit aggressive on the first few which was dumb, but didn't want to either hurt myself or end the workout on a sour note so I decided to keep the last few pretty relaxed. Had been planning to throw in a couple faster 400's and 200's afterwards, but with the tight calf that didn't seem wise. Anyway, not a great day, but it could've been worse. Bedar.

bizyah said...

April 11: Luniz 38:13

Calves were pretty tight, and the sloppy snow/slush wasn't helping that or encouraging me to put any effort into the run. At least the Twins haven't been rained out yet tonight. Bedar.

bizyah said...

April 12: 33:36 Ran up to the GC and jogged around for a bit, then came home. Roughly modeled on Short Line, but was much less than 5 miles. Feel terrible--I'm assuming that it's the taper.