Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Matthaee, Nicola, nisi venietis vobis dicam me hunc cursum fecisse etiamsi non fecero.

Jackson Bryce is the shit.


bizyah said...

April 30: LSCC 52:07. That's 2:07 more than Tom.

Felt great to be back after 8 days off. Strangely, as the run went on my quads got really sore. By the time I was headed home, like, they weren't as stiff as they were after the marathon, but they actually hurt more, in the deep bruised kinda way. Yet another reason never to take days off. Apparently this is what happens when you do that.

Hools said...

biz, i won't be talking to you ever again.

heather, great race, take it easy coming back. especially with the end of the term.

wednesday: warm up and down. 10 x 200 (31. down to 28.) in hi-def.

9 miles.

heather said...

Huh, and here all this time I thought that trashed quads were what happened after racing a severely downhill course - the kind of thing I needed to take time off after in order to heal them and recover the stressed muscle tissue.

Biz, Boston is by far the hardest course on a runner's body that I have run.

Nice run Hooley.

I'm out for an easy jog of 6-10 depending of how I feel. Still just easing in here, which is a good thing.

Hools said...

lunch time: 40 minutes. picnic point.
evening: 40 minutes. arb. cs.

miles: 12: today.

chaypaw said...

April 30
7 (50:00) LSCC
Not really 7. Don't really care.

May 1
8.5 (1:01) River.
Easy recovery.

bizyah said...

Mad Day: 35:59 of trotting through Hyland, starting up the ski jump. Felt much better on trails than on the roads yesterday. There was some lingering tightness through the day in my left hip/groin region that took about 30 mins to get warm and loosen up today. I then promptly headed for the car and did some stretching, which felt great.

I think it's high time to crank up the abwork again. I've been pretty steady on the core exercises around the low back/pelvis area for the last year and a half and that stuff seems like it's holding up well. I think it's safe at this point to reintegrate more of the core work that I used to do with the current routine and try to build up some more strength, which is currently lacking. The general plan over the next couple weeks will be to go equal time abs to running. I figure I've got these papers to write so I'll need as many ways to procrastinate as possible, right?

Erik Brooks said...

Does this mean that you'll do 35:59 of ab work to balance out the running Chris? If I did that I would never walk again -- let alone run!

34mi for me last week on 5 days of running. Spent half of the week with work in Seattle. Squeezed in some short runs when it made sense. I did have a fine 2 x 10min threshold type effort in the midst of about 12mi last Saturday. My "run of the week" -- if there were such a thing.

heather said...

Unable to run today due to dealing with 3 different plagiarized group projects - when all is said and done, I expect these students to have caused me at least 30 extra hours of my time.

bizyah said...

May 2: 49:09 in the mud and rain at Hyland. Not tied to any arbitrary pre-determined length of time that I allowed myself to run, thereby avoiding spiritual paralysis when confronted with the prospect of an excursion that might last for more or less time than the arbitrary target.

Quads were fine today, left hip and low-back on the left side was the flavor of today's tightness.

Brooksie, that is precisely the idea behind the abs--but in multiple sessions throughout the day. I'm off to a slow start with 15 minutes last night and only 15 so far tonight, but there should be another session happening soon. And yeah, if I could do 36 or 49 minutes of straight abwork I don't think I'd need to worrying about core strength. . .

I fully expect Heather to extract the value of those 30 wasted hours in the form of ass-kickin' on those poor chumps. Give 'em hell. They definitely messed with the wrong person.

Churchie said...

spiritually paralyzed > actually paralyzed

chaypaw said...

HeMay. 30 hours in one day isn't bad at all.

May 2
8.5 (59 min) River.
Easy fartlek for 20 minutes. Alternating on and off sections of 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1 minutes.

Hools said...

chape, i like that workout.
heather, wait for the same comment from me on friday when final portfolios are due.

yesterday: skipped a workout for a bit more recovery. 70 min w/ hd.

bizyah said...

May 3: 1:45:34 @ Murphy w/ Chap, Phil, and Sherman.

Booyah. Very nice run--trails were in great shape, sunny and cool, good relaxed pace. Body came out of that feeling real good--nothing to complain about today!

Attended the Twins game with Gehring who scored some free lower deck tickets on the 3rd base line from some random girl while I was in line getting my general admission seat. . .we used the lower deck seats. It was great.

chaypaw said...

May 3
15 (1:45) Murphy-Hanrehan.
Turned into gorgeous weather. Not actually 15 miles, but I'm calling it that anyway. Time and effort. Talked about fixing the tax code and secession with Schrader, Biz and Sherm.

May 4
5 (37:56) SCRC Run.
Felt great after yesterday's LR. Also, corn pancakes are good with pepperjack cheese on them.

65 miles, 2 wkts, 15 LR.
Nice. Just as I planned, and feeling good. We'll see what a mile race does to the system next week.

heather said...

Ran around 10.5 yesterday and 9.5 today. I've been really enjoying running of late, so it's hard to reign myself in but I don't want to put myself on the sidelines in a month now that I finally have the chance of a full year of uninterrupted quality training.

Sunny, breezy, and 78 degrees here, with magnolia trees starting to bloom and a flowering plant somewhere that smells like a cross between bubble gum and flowers. I love the fauna down here - flora is pretty magnificent too. Today I saw some large ground mammal on one of the trails near campus, and one of my long run routes I often see bald eagles. Now if I could just find some compatible running partners.

So, this is the best I've ever felt post-marathon. Legs are not sore at all - I'm just having some issues with dead legs/feeling like I'm working harder than usual to run, and some shortness of breath. Any of you ever experienced that before?

As for the plagiarizers, it just gets better. Got a hell of an e-mail from the worst offender earlier today. Some favorite sentences (forgive the crappy formatting):

As you know, there is plagiarism
within the paper that our group recently submitted. I in no way
contributed to the plagiarism and it was submitted to me by one or more
of my group members, the fact that I still do not know only proves my
point, upon my request for specific request for their written
contribution for me to compile. I feel as though I have been duped, due
to fatigue, into submitting plagiarized material, as my responsibility
for comprising the paper was taken advantage of, and my intention is to
go before the academic honesty board and state this matter."

"I realize in remorse that the paper was in few ways ideal; however, I
intended it to be substandard based on my efforts. My efforts were not
meant to be plagiaristic by any means. And plagiarism, as an English
major, is against my moral quota. Therefore, I think one would
sympathize with me as not being at fault I am enraged at the nature of
this travesty that has occurred. So much that it angers me to write this
very letter."

chaypaw, I wish that it was only one day, but they are delaying my much-needed summer break in which I have a research grant by at least three days, and that doesn't count all the days I will be called before the academic honesty board.

heather said...

Ack. Nothing like mocking English majors and making a mockery of my own writing - that should have been the reverse order of flora and fauna. Sorry, Matt.

bizyah said...

May 4: Luniz w/SCRC. Felt quite nice, followed up with some good eatin' and a trip to the zoo.

Not sure if the run satisfied my moral quota for the day, but I'll get over it. Not quite enough of a travesty to enrage me at having to write that I only ran 5 miles, but it's close.

Heather, that sounds like most of my marathon recoveries. Once I get through the soreness, the next couple weeks I end up in a weird stage where I feel like everything is normal until I try to do anything fast when it's like you describe with the dead legs and out of shape feeling. So I quit trying to do anything fast.

heather said...

Biz, Thanks for making me laugh.

Yeah. I definitely won't be trying to do anything fast for a while. I take any excuse I can get to not have to hit the track!

Hools said...

I am enraged by the travesty that has occurred by your switching flora and fauna, heather. Seriously, those quotes are friggin chart toppers. Absolutely amazing.

one day ago: 12 miles/ 1:20 min alone at night (began at 10 pm). Tried to keep it decently paced.

this day: 4-4-2-4-4. Except that the 4's were really like 4.25. Anyway, the middle 4's were around the Buddha Loop and were around 5:05-5:10 pace. 19 miles total. 1:50.

Week: 94 miles. weak if it weren't for last week's race.

chaypaw said...

If that's "enraged," I'd hate to read something that was emotionally neutral, let alone "substandard."

Heather, that's also the way my marathon recoveries have gone. Soreness gone after a week or so, and then just general fatigue. I take it easier than I think I should.

heather said...

It gets better. A very sweet, and very clueless student, just told me: "That's why when I'm writing a paper, I sit with a Thesaurus in front of me so that when I really like what someone wrote, I can change some of the words to make it my own. I was told that's not plagiarism."

2 meetings down, 5 to go today. I am definitely going to need a run by the end of this. Too bad it isn't time for a hard workout!

bizyah said...

Cinco de Mayo: Hyland 34:13 + 10 strides on grass in ruby slippers.

Definitely not, like, smooth or fast, and definitely not in shape to race a mile, but might be able to fake it for a while anyway. . .

Fellahs, fully realize that today's a special day for Coach T, give 'em a call or an email to remind him he's getting older.
