Thursday, May 24, 2007

Water is gasping for your mouth

May 24

1hr Bike. Plan to spend the next week or so hitting the ol' XT. Also did some good lifting tonight. This post is mostly an excuse to address all of the various business that needs addressing. Joel: Yes, please, run with us! Are you still registered with Lundgren Ford? Have you considered the myriad benefits that might come your way as a member of SCRC? Among others, you wouldn't have to run for Lundgren Ford.

May 23

Day Off. Huge Slabbaj Shout-Out to Dan Schofer, voted Cornell College Coach of the Year by the athletes! Along with a crop of recruits that will basically double the size of both teams, his female athletes notched school records in the 1k, 1500, 3k, 5k and 10k. Nice work Schof!

May 22

2mi. Ouch. Stopped after a mile and stretched a bunch. Then ran home. Hot spot low on the right shin that I'd not discovered on previous inspections. Lengthy analysis omitted. Will seek out docs.


Sarah said...

Welcome to the Schillaci training plan.

Ironically, your subject header replicates very accurately my recent experiences at the YWCA.

bizyah said...

May 23: AM 12 min up, 1 x GC "uptempo" in a grueling 12:52, 11 min dawn.

PM LSCC, sans watch, approx six miles.

May 24: Threat Level 8, sans watch. Then I found it on my dashboard. Kicked some tail at the office today, think I'm gonna take the next four days off, then come in late on Tuesday. What?

Given the status of various bodies belonging to people who read this blahohrg, I'll try to refrain from whining. That said, from what my body is tellin' me these days, you ain't missin' much by engaging in other activities. Must be the time of year. . .

Andy S said...

thursday: 6.5, untimed, at a decent effort level, though my legs are feeling pretty sluggish and unresponsive right now. pleasantly cool, unpleasantly windy.

chaypaw said...

May 25
5.5 (38:20) A&W Special.
Easy, relaxed run. Took it nice and easy after yesterday's harder effort.

May 26
4.5 (28:47) Frat Boy 4.
Again, made sure the run was plenty easy enough. Just a premeet today for w2w tomorrow, and a possible Brian Kraft appearance on Monday.

Andy S said...

friday: nada.

saturday: five miles with collin. good company, nice weather, easy run.

sunday: eight or so with collin and phil. good company, nice weather, easy run.

week: if I'm remembering correctly, total of 44, one workout, no long run. a little lower than I would like mileage-wise, but that horse is out of the barn now. current plan is to keep mileage in the 45-60 range for the next couple weeks and see where I'm at for the marathon. no long runs in quite a while, and only one of any significance, so it will be interesting to see if that leaves me high and dry as I get to duluth.

monday: brian kraft 5k, 17:30 on the watch, 17:35 officially. 8 total including warmup and cool-down. ran an even race: 5:35/11:12 splits at the mile/2 mile, a little slower for a while, and then a decent kick. pretty good race for me. fastest 5k since college. I am up to sophmore-year-of-high-school fitness.

Sarah said...

3000 yards in the pool - HUGE distance PR. I was also not the slowest person in the pool. I may, however, have been the slowest person not receiving social security checks.

bizyah said...

May 25: Mark Twain Feeftain, 1:43:53. Felt alright, a bit sluggish still but held back quite a bit and felt comfortable all the way through.

May 26: Water Fountain 20, untimed. Felt surprisingly good after having made kitchen all day. Just a quick run then into the car for the drive to Ashland.

May 27: W2W. Legs felt better than they have in many weeks. Ran the 7th leg. First rotation, 3.7 miles, 19:20. I think that's like 5:10ish pace. Was a bit difficult to run that quick, went out pretty hard, but held things together pretty well. Second time through was a 5k in 16:28. I eased off to marathon effort on that one for the first 12 minutes which felt fantastic, then increased the effort significantly, though the pace did not increase in a linear fashion along with the effort. Last rotation was another 3.7 in 19:42 with the first 8 minutes grading uphill into the wind, and the rest on gravel and crushed limestone. That one felt pretty solid and while the effort was pretty high it wasn't an altogether unreasonable pace to be running.

Big slabbaj shout-out to Tom Church for his mad-drivin' skills, the rest of the SCRC squad throwin' down and retaining the title of Woods to Water Champions of the World, the Carleton co-ed team for beating the Carleton men's team straight-up, and the list goes on.

May 27: About 10ish miles, 1:10 to the Mel-O-Glaze Bakery nar Lake Nokomis for coffee and a fritter, then assorted and sundry jogging to and fro prior to and during the Brian Kraft Memorial 5k. I spectated, since I'm a wimp. However, uber-slabbaj-shout-out to Ben Merchant for his PR 5k, Bryan Donald and Andy Sherman for their post-collegiate PR's, the Giggly for his post-collegiate PR, and my Dad for his season-best for 5k. With success across the board for SCRC it is impossible to pick a race of the day, but it was fabulous to get a chance to watch all of that go down.

May 28: A & W sans watch. Felt terrible. Legs were fine but my throat hurt like heck and my head hurt worse. You know the big ol' vaccuum that the bad guys in Space Balls use to suck up the oxygen on the princess' planet? Well, I felt like I'd gotten stuck halfway up that thing. Like when you run over a rock with your vaccuum and it gets picked up but there isn't quite enough power to get it all the way to the bag so it's just sort of in that limboish sorta state. Yeah, that's how I felt. Like that.

May 29: Skipped the morning run, then pre-partied for 30 mins before a 50 min LSCC from Sherman's condo. Legs felt great, the rest of the body continued in vaccuumed mode. Though no sore throat or domepiece today. Which was nice. Now I'm gonna go to bed. Bedar.

mugster said...

I can hardly compete with Biz's monstrous post, as I have only one completely craptastic run to report. Wednesday AM: 4, felt like I had only finished my long run about 20 minutes before I walked out the door, and ended up walking home a half mile since I was suffering in the heat.

BUT, I did have the world's most bizarre dream last night in which Alison and Hooley tried to convince me to attend a post-conference party called Flowers and Furs, in which participants would receive flowers (duh) and their choice of buffalo skins. I was a little confused by Hooley's enthusiasm for the buffalo skins, what with him refusing to eat buffalo and all.

Hools said...

that sounds like a great idea. lets do it.

bizyah said...

May 30: MTPO 1:10:19. When I woke up I assumed that since I was waking up and feeling sorta alright, that I must have already been awoken by my alarm, turned it off, then went back to sleep. Picture my surprise when I found that the alarm wasn't to ring for another five minutes. Run still blew, but it coulda been worse. Over all I do believe that the legs are feeling better and may be capable of completing a marathon. I just have no evidence with which to back that up. On the plus side, I found my watch! It was beneath the towel I use after I shower, hence the difficulty and delay in finding it. Bedar.

chaypaw said...

May 27
15ish (?) w2w.
Ran second:
1--"3.5" in 17:15 ("4:55" pace)
2--"3.6" in 21:06 ("5:51" pace)
3--3.3 in 17:45 (5:24 pace)

The last one is the only one I can buy, though it's probably short. Felt marginal for the first one, but deteriorating in the second half. Second leg felt horrible. Last leg felt great, but was on sand (though it had rained a ton the day before) so was slowed down a bit. I would guess the effort for the last one was around 5:20-5:15. Pretty happy with the first and the third, not with the second.

And mugs. Happy with the mugs.

May 28
10 (1:19 something) MTPO.
That's right. It was slow. Schuyler was in charge of pace; Phil and I were along for the ride. Felt sore and happy I wasn't running a 5k.

May 29
3 (18:40) WF 20.

May 30
3 (17:40) WF 20.
Bleah. I know, it's not really 3.

May 31
6.5 (43:10) A&W Ext.
Finally feeling better. Planned to just run WF 20 again, based on the last couple days, but felt good, so I went around the GC.

June 1
8.5 (57:40) Franklin-Lake.
Felt like I should've eaten breakfast first.

Andy S said...

weds: 7, lscc gang, glorious, glorious rain.

turs: 5. great weather, good run. short on account of some soreness on my lower left leg from monday where the tendon connecting my calf to my ankle on the outer side of my leg decided it had had enough, god damn it, and it was going to tighten up and throb. feels better (unnoticed) today.

Andy S said...

friday: 3.5, short on account of needing to get ready for dinner, left calf area still bothering me.

saturday: 15, with 10 sets of 2min on/2min off, the "on" segments I would guess between 5:30-5:45 pace. legs got a little heavy the last 2. decided to, you know, stretch before the run, and the leg felt better. noticed it, but it didn't change my gait or anything. great weather on an early-morning run. some sort of bike race along the river trail and thus lots of bikers, some snippy, which got old after a while.

bizyah said...

June 1: I think I missed a date in there or something. Anyway, MTPO, 1:05:23. Did 20 mins in the middle of it at marathon effort, which felt surprisingly alright.

June 2: I think it was 8, I think it was Hooley, I think it was in Madison. It was nice. And slow. And felt good. But not as good as brunch. Holy Lord was brunch good. And big. And good.

bizyah said...

June 3: 14ish I think. Felt nice. Again, with Hools. He had an extra couple of miles on his way to fetch me. I thought the run was plenty. It was humid. And super-pretty. In between when I arrived at Hooley's place and when I returned from the run, 12 pounds went missing. Wisco track has a deuce-hopper. Which is nice. Anyway, there were some roads, some trails, some picnic point, and some good ranting about the structure of distance running. And some coffee. And more coffee. And then again more. And then some in Wisconsin Dells. But mostly there was a secret post-run potion. And now there will be some sleep. Bedar.

Erik Brooks said...

May 28-June 3

Week: 53mi. A somewhat harsh 3:35min run on Wednesday followed by a few easy days and a 15,210m TVR performance on Saturday. Tired legs on the track, but rolling along with 99 days to Wasatch.

Hools said...

the dells is good for two things. gambling and coffee stops on the way to minnesota.

churchie: maybe time for a new blog entry, eh?

chaypaw said...

June 2
8.5 (55 something) Ford-Lake.
Found a couple of Pat Russell's mile markers. More on this in a bit. Run was fine, but probably a little too quick. Found myself running 6:15s without speeding up. Thanks to Pat for the split. EST in 2:41. Would've been a whole mile, as usual, but got caught at the light at Fairview, so it was just a half mile. In the mud.

June 3
14 (1:34ish) Ford-Franklin.
Ugh. Warmed up down to Minnehaha park (about 5 miles all told) and looked around for Pat's starting line. Failed to find it, after probably close to an extra mile of running around staring at the ground. Obviously the man has never run the Minnehaha 8k's. Started a planned 5 mile tempo at what my best guess for the starting line was, and attempted to run MP, which I was hoping would be around 6 minutes. I didn't speed up after the first half-mile, so I'm guessing I was wrong about the starting line. 3:20/3:01, 6:02, 6:02, ?.

Some further notes about the markers. The half mile, mile and two-mile are marked with a line entirely across the bike path. The mile mark is just a little past where I remember it being for the Minnehaha 8k's. The three mile (and presumably the rest of the marks) are just numbers on the right-hand side of the bike path. My 4 mile split is unkown because I figured Pat just continued up the River, so as I approached Franklin (feeling terrible) I decided to run to the 4 mile mark, cut off the workout and then head home. I ran until 25 minutes (or at least 30s past where the mark should have been) before shutting down, and heading back up to go across the bridge. Pat evidently crossed the bridge, too- since I found the 4 mile going up the hill onto the bridge. The five and six mile markers are going down the east bank- I'm not sure what he does at Summit.

June 4
8.5 (58:40) Franklin-Lake.
Fine. Legs feeling beat from the last few days and moving.

Unknown said...

May 11-June 3

Sporadic running in Venezuela, or the great state of the Revolucion socialismo bolivarano as Hugo "oogo" likes to say (patriotism or death was the other frequent slogan). Interestingly, for some reason, all of the "nationalization" efforts and redistribution of farmland and companies have made Chavez' family the largest landowners in the country. Can someone explain how that one works?

Was doing pretty well on the running front for the first few weeks, but then last Wednesday just got trainwrecked by some bug and was near comatose in between sprints to the bathroom for a day. Still feeling the effects 5 days later, although I have thankfully arrived back in Eugene, more or less in one piece.

Getting paid to travel, 350+ species of birds, hiking in the high andes--all in all a great trip, sans the vomiting and what not. But, hey, given my recent string of illnesses, what would a trip to South America be without some new bug giving me problems?

Am looking forward to trying to run again (after I see my friendly doctor) and also attending the Pre Classic this weekend.

Congrats on W2W!

bizyah said...

June 4: Right-of-Way 8 53:13. Felt great, did a lotta extra dinkin' around on the golf course to actually make it 8. The legs are once again beginning to close their eyes. . .yada yada yada, perhaps some of that lovin' feelin' ain't gone, gone, gone. True to standard taper weirdness, after the wonderful run that was this morning I've felt terrible, my legs hurt everywhere and nowhere, and I can barely keep my eyes open but am surprisingly alert. Oh well. C'est la vie. Bedar.

p.s. I heard Tom Church even takes days off from posting his days off.

Andy S said...

sunday: 9, lake of the isles, quite an uneventful run.

week: 47.5 in 6, long of 15, one race, one workout. good week of running.

monday: 11.5, cedar lake, with nick. 2x5 minutes at ~5k pace, with 10 minutes in between. second one at 5:30 pace (actual time thanks to some 1/4 mile markers on lake of the isles), first one probably closer to 5:40ish. form held together well, legs got a bit heavy towards the end of #2. probably a bit faster than I needed them, but it felt good to let loose in a controlled fashion. last "workout" before the marathon unless I feel frisky on thursday.

chaypaw said...

June 5
8.5 (57:00) Franklin-Lake.
Started feeling good again. Nice to know that might happen sometime before GB 1/2. P(at) R(ussell) split: 6:35. Thinking about hills tomorrow. I have class, and will not be in attendance at LSCC.

Sarah said...

You know, it's not like crosstraining posts can't be exciting.

For example, this morning I was somehow surrounded by chlorine at 6:50 a.m. This astounded me. I swam 10 laps to get over the astonishment.

Everyone else in the world I know who runs was doing a 5x1000, 2x400 workout. I scoff at that. I turned it into a 6x4 min, 2x90 second aquajog. I aimed to hit the 4 minutes at what felt like an underwater 5K pace, and the 90 seconds at what felt like the fastest my busted little leggers could move submerged in YWCA pool water.

The first one felt fairly difficult. I avoided a swimming Russian in a purple swim cap.

The second 4 minutes felt wondrously hard, and I am happy that I will never have to run a 5K chin-deep in water.

I lost focus on my third 4 minutes, partially due to the fact that I was whacked on the head by a Japanese woman doing the backstroke.

I tried to refocus on the fourth and fifth, and also tried to tell myself that, no, my knee is not hurting from aquajogging.

On the sixth interval I scowled deeply, was re-whacked, and tried to imagine worse things than my current situation, like being Lindsey Lohan on the cover of People this week.

The 90 seconds were hard. I took my pulse after and it was up to 155, which I think is remarkable.

Then I swam 20 laps. I was totally racing this chick in my lane! But then she beat me because my "fast swim" is really just my "slow swim" with more splashing and wheezing.

I apologize now for any times I might have typed "aquajob" instead of "aquajog." It is an easy typo. While my crosstraining today was thrilling, it was not so thrilling that I received an aquajob.