May 2
PM: 17mi, wkout + LSCC (1:52:16): 8xHill on West River Parkway. 2:32, :38, :33, :25, :24, :21, :23, :19. Wow. Harder than I'd intended but everything was under control until the last one, during which I was quite confident I'd finish well over 2:30. Sherman joined me at #4 and spooked me to the 2:25. Stubborness kicked in and I tried to follow my normal rule for this workout by holding or increasing pace with each interval. I don't think this is my best workout on this hill, but it is my fastest. Encouraging. LSCC cooldown made for a long day, but I got to have dinner with Jessica and Keith Ellison and our waitress found a way to make an already-killer banana waffle even more deadly. Wonderful.
AM: 4mi, Shortcut Untimed. Easy.
May 1
6mi, 39:43 (6:37/mi): West Side Five + xtra. CSED. Drills/Strides.
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yo how come me n schof got bumped down behind mississipi fucking road runners? they don't like even update their site r whatever.
oh wait, i know.
actually, the thinking was that MRRR was a "team" site like the one that SCRC used to update. perhaps i'll make a seperate section for SCRC and MRRR. how about that? that will make things far easier when our visitors have a craving for "6, NMR, 40:00. d/s. crappy."
Hooley at least you weren't dropped below the Homebrew blog.
Tuseday--3.5 miles painfree. Hooray (or something like that)! Felt a little twinge or something right at the end, so I stopped and didn't try to push it.
Wed--Pool, 1 hour total, 30 minute tempo effort, plus 8x200 effort. Didn't want to push the foot, so hopped back inthe pool for a workout.
Thurs--Will run this afternoon after I meet my deadline. Of course if I don't meet my deadline, I will still probably go on a run, because that is far more important for my sanity.
Fuck sanity.
But use a condom, please. She's dirrrrrr-tay.
Gentlemen, please. Some decorum for the blog. Erik reads it.
May 3
AM: 4 (29:17) WF Ext.
Easy like Thursday morning. Legs felt surprisingly good. Quad soreness pretty much gone.
PM: 10 (1:07:03) MTPO.
Quad soreness back, without vengeance. Ran with Biz, who was heading out towards Mark Twain Feeftain, which is the reason for ten this afternoon rather than 8. Still, the legs are improving. Worked through most of the soreness in the quads so that by the end of the run I was moving along pretty well, and the soreness was pretty much gone. Also, it's gorgeous out. If you're not outside, you should be.
May 3: As anticipated by Mr. 'Paw, Mark Twain Feetain, 1:35:18. Felt pretty good. I'll admit to pushing the pace with Chap, 'cause I'm mean, and I'll also admit to cruisin' pretty quick for a goodly piece of the riverah. Towards the end I started feelin' last night's less-than-stellar sleep and the lack of a favorable (for running) coffee to water ratio over the past tow days. But, other'n that, 'twas a good one. Despite easing off the effort, the pace didn't come back all that far, kept it real smooth and real good feelin' all the way through. This is turning into a decent week after all. Blame it on the weather perhaps.
Saturday: 4.5, uptempo, about 30 seconds faster per mile than usual. Felt surprisingly good.
Sunday: 40 minutes on the fabulous eliptical machines in Madison.
Monday: 6.5, averaged 8 minute pace, a big surprise to me since I haven't run with mile markers in months and really didn't feel like I was running that fast. Of course, by about 5.5 miles, I was waaay ready to be done.
Thursday: 4.5, tried to run easy, but a little faster than normal. Ran past some pedestrian and made the mistake of inhaling at the same time. I swear the dude smelled just like dog poop.
Thursday: round 11, 1:23, over to Lake street and back with Nick, taking the long way to the river down and the Henny stairs up on the way back. Very slow for the first half, picked it up a bit after running into Gehring on the river road. Took the trail by the 'Sip on the way back with the bouncy bridge, which was fantastic -- I haven't been out that far on a run, and it's an enjoyable piece of concrete to cruise on.
Legs are real tired, and I didn't want to run this far today. Again misunderestimated the distance between Franklin and Lake -- I should have known better after Sunday. Plan to take it easy with the mileage this weekend, though I may throw a workout in there on Saturday. We'll see...
May 4: Barry-10 1:05:05. A bit sluggish getting going then got into a pretty good rhythm despite the light pack across the shoulders. A lovely day and I would be tempted to run again, but with at least one long run in store for the weekend and the current week's mileage at 69 thus far, I can probably just do some studying instead :)
craving may be overstating it church. after all, how could they? i mean with the all the variations of "FancynameforrunningnexttotheRiver 1:06:34.23. I was feeling really good in the first 8 meters of the run today, but in the next 10-15 steps my left quad began to stiffen slightly. To my immense relief, 18 steps later my right quad FINALLY loosened up, which really changes how i'm thinking about the rest of my racing season, and frankly my life. Later on (1/3 of mile down the road) I realized that perhaps my water intake was not exactly what it should be, and also last wednesday i had to get up to go to the bathroom twice in during the night, and perhaps that was contributing to the shortness of breath I was experiencing. But then again, it could just be the my right pectoral was seizing ever so slightly last tuesday was i was making a banana and peanut butter sandwich. It's really hard to tell. I think, though, that since I'm starting to get regular massages that my lower left ear lobe should really start to come around, which only means that my 8k pr should start dropping by the minute. Needless to say that by the end of the run, pretty much everything was clearer and I've never been this happy and content with the world and stuff. Oh, yeah, and the weather and the company despite being the same as the last 8 years of my life, was fucking grand." Who would want a change?
May 4
8.5 (56:44.92) Str8 Shot.
Ran down Summit to the River, and back up Summit to the Dale. There wasn't as much stiffness in the quads as there has been over the last few days for the first 3.45 miles, but then it showed up again. Fortunately, my back DID seem to loosen up after another mile or so. Was having some trouble keeping the pace in the "easy" range this morning, but I'm not sure if that is more a function of being more rested or being less rested than usual. It's really hard to say. Oh, and the company, despite being the same as the last ten years, was fantastic. Didn't see another person running the whole time.
Cinco de Mayo!!! Happy Birthday Coach T, oooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Main Douzaine, fartlek, 1:08:29. Felt awesome. An intriguing combination of feeling very strong but also very quick. It's odd, those feelings usually don't appear together in my legs. I'll take it though. Remain convinced that it's a solid 12 as the splits were indicating a low-56min MTPO if I'd only done 10. Anyway, it was really nice. Hammered some of the uphills, ran all of the downhills rippin' quick, and was sorta all over the place on the flats, but a lot of it was pretty quick. Good day for el confidence. Bedar.
Friday: 5, pretty quick. Sky tempted me with rain but never delivered.
Saturday: 12, cedar lake with Nick. Relatively slow. Legs are tired. Had some agitated dude yell some shit at me in a different language as I was running through downtown, so I might have a hex on me or something. Again missed out on rain.
Wish I had a monkey paw.
May 5
8.5 (57:18) Str8 Shot.
Crappy. Happy Hools?
May 6
17.5 (1:53:18) Mark Twain Feeftain Ext.
Solid long run. Not sure about the distance, but it's close. Went the long way around the GC both ways, and then added the 29th st. extension, and the A&W extension. Around 5 miles (when I hit the river) things gradually picked up to marathon pace effort, helped along by the substantial wind. The pace stayed there most of the way back down the river, but the last 5 or so, I would say the pace varied between MP and long run pace. The wind (20-30 mph) had quite a bit to do with the variation. It also made it a pretty solid effort, despite not maintaining the pace like I initally wanted to.
83 miles, 1 wkt, 17.5 LR.
Solid week. I'm happy with the workout and the miles. Feeling strong and recovered, which is good because next week the miles start to rise again.
very nice chap.
May 6: MTPO into Sky-Bridge-Boom, 20 miles, 2:20:06. Felt good. Figured I got in a pretty decent workout yesterday so there was no need to work very hard today. Tried out the new shoes, was pretty happy about them. Tried out the new shorts, was less than pleased. Spent the remainder of the day trying to avoid rehydrating in order to minimize time spent peeing.
Week: 101. Feeling much more rested and recovered. Gonna just keep focusing on school this week and running whatever. The brain will turn back towards the trainaj next week but in the meantime I think things are going alright. Bedar.
Sunday AM: 7, rough. Ran in the morning which I haven't done in a while and consequently had the feeling that someone was sitting on my chest for the entire hour--a feeling I often have in the morning. Took at least 20 minutes running before my stomach stopped growling. Never really felt that comfortable, given the large man sitting on my chest, despite going easy. By the end, stopping at lights was almost as bad as continuing to run as I was lightheaded. Lay down for 15 minutes before doing any stretching or abs when I got home. And then promptly took a nap. Mediocre run, awesome nap.
I think 3 hard runs in a row plus a somewhat long run on Monday all contributed to my angst on this run. Hoping to run a workout this coming week, but don't hold your breath.
Finally, I'm shocked my Tom's failure to give a shout-out to Ms. Jessica Deutsch for running a 1:34 half-marathon! I don't know what that is per mile, but I do know it's damn fast!!!
Muggy, two things: A) The "large man sitting on your chest" thing is just begging for some inappropriate commentaj.
3) Thanks for the reminder: big shout-out to Giggles for dropping the Minnetonka 1/2 in 1:30 this morning. Look for that solid training run to translate into a much-improved outing at New Prague next week.
Mr. Christopher:
I agree that a large man sitting on my chest while I'm running is inappropriate. I'm glad we're seeing eye-to-eye on this issue. Maybe if I ever make it to Mpls. you can beat off the large fat man for me. Clearly I'm incapable of dislodging him myself.
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