Wednesday, May 09, 2007

He could throw that speedball by ya

May 9

PM: 10mi, 1:08:00 (wkout): WU, 4x1600m w/60s R, 4x200m w/200m walk/jog R, CD. 5:24, :21, :16, :09; 31, 31, 32, 30. Waited until it was slightly cooler on the UMN track, which certainly helped. Legs felt a little fatigued, but basically the effort on the 1600s was threshold. Probably had 1-2 more in me at the same 5s cut-down progression, but wanted to keep this relatively relaxed ahead of New Prague on Saturday. 200s felt surprisingly strong. Time to rest-up a bit before the race...

AM: 4mi, Shortcut untimed. Hot. Legs stiff.

May 8

12.5mi, 1:27:28 (7:00/mi): LSCC+xtra. Not sure what, if anything, was remarkable about this run. Legs still needed some recovery from last week. Roger Clemens is fat.


bizyah said...

May 10: MTPO 1:04:31. Afternoon. And then some. Holy crap it got hot out all of a sudden! Did 7 minutes of an Erik Brooks special--flying mile: 15 secs fast, 15 secs float. I was feeling bad about not having done anything other than put one foot in front of the other for a couple weeks so figured reminding the legs that there were other speeds wasn't the worst idea in the world. Given the heat, it wasn't a great idea, as the last 20 minutes of the run was pretty miserable, but oh well. I finished my last exam this morning, and, well, I have this paper. . . I have to write it. . .harbedar. . .

mugster said...

Thursday AM: 4.5 loop with 8 one minute pickups, plus abs when I got home. The "workout" was easier than when I did it a couple months ago, which would make sense to all of you who run a lot and are in shape, but I haven't been so consistent, so it was a nice surprise. It was still harder than it should have been for how wimpy such a "workout" that is.

I might actually get to run with Alison this weekend! yay!!!

Andy S said...

thursday: 7, franklin loop. fucking hot and miserable, and lord did I slow down. along with the heat, the hill up to franklin can go fuck itself too. (sorry church family!)

on a positive note, I ran into ghidewon, and he was running. so that was exciting.