May 13
Day Off. Obviously, I am not recovering as easily as I thought. Yesterday made that clear. 1262mi on the year is well ahead of any previous 5month total, and 280mi since 4/19 is the most I've done without a day off since college by a lot. I'm glad to have done this base work and I think ultimately it will leave me stronger. But for the next 5 weeks, recovery will be the focus.
Week: 61mi/6days. Shortly after my Ayn Rand research the other day, I returned to more agreeable fare: "As with the hero children, so too with the hero principals, there is this inclination to avert our eyes from the pervasive injuries inflicted upon students by our acquiescence in a dual system and to convey the tantalizing notion that the problems of this system can be superseded somehow by a faith in miracles embodied in dynamic and distinctive individuals." - Jonathan Kozol. [Ayn shrugs]
May 12
14.5mi, New Prague 1/2M (over 1:19:00): Not a lot to say. Went out very conservative (5:46) and the pace was never (well...) a problem. Legs felt tight the whole way, and my range of motion felt especially compromised after about 7 or 8mi. Ultimately didn't have a choice about jogging it in around 6:30 pace. Last 5K (20:07) tells the story. Congrats to the birthday boy for his PR. Congrats to the Shermanimal and the Giggly on their respective PRs. And, Muggy, a huge shout out to Jessica Deutsch for her 1:31:47 PR!
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May 7 - May 13
Week: 37mi. Finding success in failure... Wanted to crack the 50mi. weekly total, but 5 Seattle-area school visits in 4 days kept me hopping. Squeezed the miles in from Thurs. to Sunday. Felt horrible on Saturday's run. Happy to have logged close to 40, and looking forward to a better week with another solid long run soon.
April 30 - May 6
Week: 48 miles. Only 4 days again, but two long trail runs of 16 and 24. Both in the 2:30+ range, the second being a respectable 2nd place finish in the locally run Sunflower Iron (22mi). I held myself in check through much of this "race" given the 16mi. on Tuesday. Pushed the final 6mi. and was pleased with the effort AND the non-injurious results of two longer (for me) efforts in the week.
May 11: Meh.
May 12: Meh.
May 13: Meh.
May 14: Meh.
May 15: A & W Ext 39:14. Legs still feel pretty wack, but made 'em at least try to wake up today. I'm thinkin' that a combo of finals, allergies, heat, work, lack of sleep, excessive whining, and a general lack of intestinal fortitude is behind the recent craptasticness that is my legs. Goal at this point is to get a little bit of pop back into the body over the next couple weeks with a chance to evaluate those efforts forthcoming at Brian Kraft.
In other news, I am no longer a Dunn Bros Roastmaster but I am a law clerk. It's like the same thing. Only a more casual dress code with the legal gig. Life outside my legs is pretty good. Bedar.
Tuesday AM: 4.5 loop, really tired from the long run on Sunday. A balmy 70 degrees at 7am, awesome. Had I waited until this evening it would have been 60 and rainy. Oh well. Things would have been better on the run had I not had a headwind the entire second half, and the desperate need for a bathroom.
Lundberg, awesome on the job switch. More important than the dress code, what's their policy on bushy beards?
Tuesday AM: Swam 2000 yards, which is the longest swim I have ever done. Ever. I will not say how long it took me, but it was enough for me to skedaddle over from the medium/fast lane to the medium lane.
Wednesday AM: Bike 45 minutes followed by run 30 minutes. The run was hard, which I originally credited to the humidity but now think maybe it was just that I was running too fast. Which never happens. Except maybe today.
Regardless, still pumped about the swim. When life gives you lemons, find a new sport...
May 16: MTPO 1:06:29
Again, started out kinda forcin' the pace just to make the legs do something a little different. But, the last 15 minutes my hips got loose and there was some legitimate good-feeling and decently quick moving going on. It was nice. Then I gutted my kitchen.
May 17: AM A & W, no watch (I don't know where it is right now. . .) fairly slow, but it's early and I didn't take enough food and water breaks yesterday. Today though, there will be hauling of all sorts of shit all day long. I aspire to another run, but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen and I'm alright with that.
Muggy, my new boss is just fine with beardaj but it's summer, so I don't expect it to come on real strong. But thank you for your concern. Bedar.
Biz, which boss are we talking about here?
Thursday AM: I can't believe I actually got up at 6:45 this morning to run. So not me. Did the usual 4.5 loop, with 4x2 minute pickups. Would have done a fifth, but the loop just isn't quite long enough. Damn Chicago. The pickups felt really good, but the day ended sadly--no eye candy on the train ride home. I think all the cute guys in suits got on the car next to mine instead. Damn Chicago!
Thursday: 2500 yards in the pool. Seriously, it's not like I expect a holla, but I kinda feel like I deserve one. The semi-English speaking Ukraninan lady who passed me several times shared in my elation.
Familiar to some, but not all:
You and yours are invited to participate in the Ninth Annual
WHAT: A one-hour footrace
WHERE: Your local track
WHEN: Anytime between May 12 and June 10, 2007
* Your performance must take place on a standard 400 meter/440 yard
track. Include partial laps in your final total; estimate distances as accurately as possible within reason.
* Send results to rotha at by midnight, 10 June 2007. In your results, please note name, total distance completed (in meters or yards), age, date, and location. We encourage you to include a brief report of your experience for the official race report.
* You may run the event more than once if desired, but only submit
your best mark.
* You are encouraged to invite others to participate in the event.
In many cases, our address list of past participants is incomplete,
so we especially appreciate your forwarding this invitation to past
runners not included in the original mailing.
* Complete results and race report will be sent to all participants.
World champions in football and baseball celebrate with champagne;
the victor at the Indy 500 gets a bottle of milk. At Titus Van Rijn,
the celebratory beverage of choice for all participants is black
cherry soda. We encourage you to maintain the tradition.
World, women: 18,340 meters (~11.4 miles)Tegla Loroupe (Ken), Borgholshausen, Ger 8/7/98
World, men: 21,101m (~13.1 miles) Arturo Barrios (Mex), La Fleche, Fra 3/30/91
U.S., women: 17,273m (~10.7 miles) Nancy Conz, Amherst, MA 6/25/81
U.S., men: 20,547m (~12.8 miles) Bill Rodgers (GBTC), Boston, MA 8/9/77
TVR, women: 12,453m (~7.7 miles)
Sarah Brooks (MN), Northfield, MN 2002
TVR, men: 18,115 (~11.25 miles)
Greg Crowther (WA), Seattle, WA 5/27/2006
To request the Excel spreadsheet for the All Time TVR
Performance List, email Erik.
Since 1999, 59 competitors in 4 nations and 8 US states have amassed a total of over 1.46 million meters. Join the fun!
Sunday AM: 7 mile, nothing eventful happened. Didn't feel too great, but also never felt all that bad, so I guess it all comes out in the wash. My feet are starting to become a real annoyance, I think it might be about time to start some icing. And perhaps a new pair of superfeet--I have been wearing the same pair for 4 years. oops.
Another weekly total at 16, done that for several weeks, it feels good and my back is putting up with the mileage which is great. Perhaps 3 years was what I really needed to recover from a stinkin marathon.
May 18: Short-Line 5, with a halt in the middle to do 8 x stride, ballpark 200 meters. Picked a spot to start, ran for 35 secs and dropped my shirt. Ran back, slightly uphill, again in 35 secs. Then relaxed a bit rather than trying to kill the pace, hit 32. Did the next three also in 32. Then relaxed further and dropped the last two in 30. Felt alright, the mechanics were coming around a bit, though the fatigue was not. Been puttin' in some pretty heavy hours on the ol' huus.
May 19: A & W ext, 44:55. Felt a bit better as the run progressed, but it was long enough and I practically have to claw my way up the steeper hills these days. Just gonna keep riding the recovery train until it bucks me off.
May 20: MTPO 1:10:05. Longest run for a while. I'd go out and do it again this afternoon but the week's labor and Friday night's out-'till-3am-at-the-Digital-Underground-concert idea was fun and productive but not conducive to aiding the body in feeling better. So the recovery fest continues.
And a big-ass shout-out to Miss Sarah Kay for some dropping some solid pool-yaradaj. Booyah.
thursday: 3.5, relatively quick.
sunday: 9, with nick, decent pace.
rest of the week: busy with work, concerts, travel. real crappy week of running. need to get back on the train this week. in the meantime, I'll think of this as a "recovery" week.
May 21: MTPO 1:07:21, avec Chap, ergo, dans l'evening. Nice run, though the tummy was less than stoked about its lot. Legs still feelin' rough, but better than yesterday. Am looking forward to gettin' in a couple runs tomorrow and hopefully will feel good enough by the end of the week to get in 5-10 days of a re-elevated workload before bringin' 'er in fer da race.
Started the ol' jobski today, and I love it! It appears that in addition to my salary they're prepared to provide me with coffee and food throughout the workday, supplemented by chocolate as deemed necessary. Oh, and the work part is also super-kick-ass fun. Weird, huh?
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