Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Division One

So I'm riding my bike across the Hennepin bridge today when I see up ahead of me this dude on a tiny little scooter-type thing. He's screaming along on it at about 15 mi/hr, lazily smoking a cigarette in his left hand and twisting the hell out of the throttle with his right. The scooter-type thing looks like it's designed to fold up and fit in a suitcase, with an oddly tall handlebar and comically small wheels. The situation is Kia-esque.

Much as I want to express my contempt by just Lance Armstronging the hell out of the thing, my one-speeeder is still nosily dragging a few gear teeth on the side of the frame, and I'm worried that the clanky-rubbing sound is going to steel my thunder. So I fall back to plan B and ride right behind him ostentatiously scrutinizing this scooter-type thing on behalf of all onlookers.

As we hit the end of the bridge, the light ahead turns red and we both stop, me still right behind him. As he senses me and turns around, I give him my biggest "Yup I'm checking out your funny little scooter-type thing" grin. Encouraged by my affability, he shakes his head solemnly at the nearby cars and proclaims, "Lot of d$@#*e bags on the road."

"Yeah, man, it's terrible," I agree.

At that moment the light changes, the cars move, and his scooter-type thing coughs unresponsively. He angrily begins kicking at the chinsy plastic sides and cursing as I ride off, the commotion drowning out the sound of my dragging gear.

Oh and I'll probably go running today.


Hools said...

right on, schrad, right fucking on.

hey: are you going to be around the msp on this friday? I'm going to stillwater, basically, and may veer through the cities en route. maybe we could eat dinner or

Unknown said...

how can I add to this blog? this is Joeler Joeler popcorn roller, class of 96, well before your guys time, but looking for some fellah's to fun with. A little out of shape now, but doesn't take long. K Theissen and I have a bet of which one of us can log more miles before the end of the year and I don't intend to lose.

By the way, does anyone know when the hendecathalon is, and is anyone going?

How about Colt night? Let's plan ahead and drink some 40s.

Slabah dabbah doo as we used to say.

p schrader said...

Joel as in Joel's boring? I love that run, but I always wonder if it's supposed to mean that you yourself are boring or that the run is boring-- as in "Joel's boring [run]." Either way, an honor.

mugster said...

Although I was once accused of being a man trapped inside a woman's body, I am not actually a fellah so I have little to add to the Joel discussion. Still, I do have some lame running to report:

Wednesday AM: the usual 4.5 loop, tired and slow, somehow still feeling my long run (I can only suppose) even though I had an extra day of recovery in there. But I was rewarded for getting out the door by viewing a 70 year old dude driving a minivan and smoking a cigar at 7 in the morning. Where does Chicago find these people??

Andy S said...

tuesday: lscc, 8 including the jog over. nothing too exciting on the run itself, though phil was there, which was a nice treat. annie's afterwards.

chaypaw said...

Returns in style.

May 24
10 (58:47) MTPO.
Started out in the drizzle just staying warm. Realized after a while that I was moving pretty well, and not breathing hard. Encouraging. Maintained the effort through about 8.5, when a couple things happened. I was simultaneously told by two different riders of the same bus to both "put some clothes on" and "take it off." I blew them a kiss and proceeded to haul ass up the cliff up to the WF. That was when I started pushing the effort beyond what I thought would be "easily repeatable."

Very encouraged by the effort today, since I was starting to wonder when I was going to feel normal again on a run. So even though the rain stopped halfway through the run, a great effort.

Joel: you should attend law school cross country practice, where many of the Cities' fellahs run once a week. Currently scheduled for Wednesday's at 6:15 from the UMN Law School.

Erik Brooks said...

as a fellow fellah of yore -- predating young joel AND the aforementioned "joel's boring" -- let me just say - in mr wegener's defense - that the "8" is the boring part. joel. not a chance. it'll be nice to see the doc and all of the younger lawyer types mix it up a bit!