Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's all I can do to walk out of here alive

April 29

20mi, 2:20:29 (7:01/mi): El Scorcho! Long hot run with water fountains spaced exactly as they were for Biz. From Sherman's condo, skirting the lakes, down the Parkway, up the river to Cecil. Dan and Sherman made for excellent company, but contrary to any other reports it was, in fact, Sherman that made this such an extended effort. He should be commended.

Week: 83mi. Need to make sure I actually do the longer intervals and hills I schedule for myself. And lift. Felt weak during the race.

April 28

PM: 4mi, Shortcut Untimed. Because that's what the plan dictates. Slabbaj Shout-Out to Marie Brandewide for a 6-SECOND PR IN THE 1500m with a 4:23.39 at Drake!!!

AM: 12.5mi, Get in Gear 10K (33:38/31st Overall): What. Ever. Went out hard (5:02ish) trying to apply lessons learned at Guidant and the Race for Justice. My legs didn't have it, and it's (obviously, now) harder to rebound from a too-fast first mile when it's hot. Faster than The Human Race, but that just makes me more frustrated. BUT - waiting on results for what should be a very solid team showing. Very nice races from the Chapel and the Sherman.

April 27

6.5mi, 44:14 (6:48/mi): A&W Ext. "Easy" with Biz and Dan, but I hadn't travelled to the mountainous region of Minneapolis recently so it ended up being a slightly harder effort. At least for me.

April 26

8mi, 54:10 (6:46/mi): LS8+xtra. Legs were mucho fatigue-o. I remember because I wrote a song about it.


chaypaw said...

April 29
20 (2:20:00) Accidental 20.
Took off from Sherman's condo with the man himself and Tom, amid many questions of where we were going. At Sherman's insistence, we dropped down the lakes and along the parkway to Nokomis. At that point we had realized that, 1. it was really hot, and 2. it was going to be far. So we ran back up the river to Tom's place, which made it about 20. I wasn't so much planning to run 20 today, but it's only a few miles more than I had planned on. And now that it's done, I'm glad to have another 20 under the belt.

65.5 miles, 1 wkt, 1 race, 20m LR.
Another solid week of training. I was shooting for 60 this week, but the extra miles came in the cooldown after GiG and on the LR today. I was feeling very recovered and strong before the race, and even during the run this morning. The recovery week was well timed, but now it's back to training for real.

Erik Brooks said...

April 23-29

Week: 41mi Same as last, but accomplished in only 4 days of running. Not exactly what I was hoping for as I recognize the need to start getting a few more miles. I'd like to actually ADD an extra run during the next week. Still, Keeley Jane turns 4 tomorrow. Big party - her first real birthday fest in fact - was hosted with fine result this afternoon. Good times!

Running highlight o' the week: While several of you lads were out pounding the pavement and gettin' in gear, I was cruisin' the hills for cougar. While unsuccessful in my attempts to bait any large cats, I did run for 2hrs 50min in the hills above our house ( Some short walking bits on the steepest parts. A few downed trees to hurdle. I'm calling it 18. Sought and found the deadend of an abandoned logging road. Spooked at least 4 mountain bikers. The sunflowers are a bloomin'.

chaypaw said...

Sweet pictures Erik! Your blog is a new addition to my favorites.

April 30
AM: 7.5 (50:33) Right Of Way.
With Biz, and a little quick. Legs felt surprisingly good after a long time out on the roads yesterday with not enough water.

PM: 6 (40:22) Grand Tour+.
Went out with Biz, again, but he continued on MTPO Reverse. Some guy ran past the house just as we were walking out the door, which caused us to start a little quick, in catching-him mode. Unfortunately, he did not turn one block later when we did. The pace didn't really come down at all, which indicates that Grand Tour is probably pretty close to 6, without the 2-3 minute add on that I did. Just missed the rain, on account of having class tonight. Got home to find out that class is cancelled tonight. Still a fair trade.

Sansone said...

Last week I went for a nice 6-miler on the lunch hour. Unfortunately, there was a parent-teacher conference day or soemthing, so the middle school had a half day. On the way back, I'm coming up the trail and there are these 2 middle school girls walking next to each other. They're taking up the whole path, so when I'm about 5 steps behind them, I say "Excuse me". They both scream with fright at the top of their lungs and literally, honest to God, both fall over backwards and into a bush. Honestly, there's no way they didn't hear me coming. As I've gotten fatter, my footsteps have taken on a booming quality. Anyway, wanting no part of this kind of foolishness, I just kept running. Finished up in about 44 minutes. Felt good. Oh yeah.

bizyah said...

April 30: AM w/Chap as noted. Felt okay, nice to have some company and conversation for sure. General fatigue level is pretty high, which is odd. Feel like I done got on the wrong side of the LAPD.

PM MTPO rev., oddly enough, 1:05:39. Seriously, felt slower than this morning and much more akin to a 1:15 rendition of this route. Only real difference is that I switched up sitting arrangements for the day of studying. Wouldn't have bothered except my back had gotten so tight I couldn't really sit anywhere else anymore. In retrospect, perhaps the recent increase in sitting to study/read/write has been having an impact on the back and therefore mechanics/performance. It's just a theory, but the new chair is doing wonders so far, I hadn't even realized how tight I was until it got as painful as it did. Word. Bedar.