Sunday, December 03, 2006

Do Rich People Know What To Do With Their Gold?

December 3

5mi, 31:17 (right): West Side Five. Threw in some accells and what-not. Cold again.

Week: 24mi. Pseudo-maintaining for Club Nats. Should probably run again today or something. And maybe run threshold at some point.

December 2

4mi, 27:27 (again): Shortcut. Cold. But not as cold as it was at Lake Harriet this morning, where Biz and Merchant squashed Team USA MN. Nowhere near as hott as it was down in Bloomington, IL, where Schrades and Jill threw down a certain trail marathon. Far from desperate.

December 1

5mi, 33:35 (no math at bizyah's place): West Side Five. Easy. Accells post run.

November 30

5mi, 35+ (LSCC): Dark again.


mugster said...

Biz: that's why people put plastic over windows. duh.

No running on my part since the long run this weekend. My back is more and more unhappy each day since, so I'm saving up my strength for a run with Ms. Deutsch on Friday!

mugster said...

Well, hot cakes, I would guess that you call gluten-free cookies "whompin' good" because you don't have to eat them on a regular basis, you gluten-loving freak.

I should have known by the fact that you graduated college and seem to be passing law school that you were just smart enough to be aware of plastic for windows. And that you're a big fat whiner.

mugster said...

No, I really meant fat.

Schrades said...

As fat as Biz is, the rest of the state has taken up his slack.

Minnesota deemed healthiest state, Louisiana worst

Please note that WI comes in 10th most healthy. It's a sad sad statement about how unhealthy the rest of the union is. On the other hand it says a lot about the healthiness of Hooley and me and Muggy and Alison that we are able to bring the overall health average of he state up to a top 10 finish.

Good 6 mi w/H this am, my first post-TTM run.

20k ski yesterday on a trail 'as hard as any in the state.' This per the 78yo who was out there throwing me down.

Andy S said...
