Saturday, May 20, 2006

Slab City Sweeeeeepaj

May 20

23mi, 2:15ish (raceaj): Syttende Mai 20mi Race. Madison to Stoughton. 1:55:42 - felt grrrrreat for 2nd place in the Slab City 1-2-3 sweep. Ran first 11mi with Schrades then caught Hools for miles 12-17 before he decided it was time to run fast. 5:38, 11:41, 6:01, 5:56, 6:01, 11:40, 6:01, 11:47 (59:10 for 10mi), 5:51, 5:16 (catching Hooley, but I'm still an idiot), 5:44, 5:45, 5:37, 5:37, 5:42, 5:39, 5:37, 5:39. Schrades threw down for 1:58:33 and 3rd place. Tortamasi was hitting 6:15s/6:00s until "all of a sudden" a 7:30 cropped up. Strange how that happens. Very encouraging race on a beautiful day...then Mickey's, Slab City Brew and venison.

May 19

PM: 4.5mi, 30:18 (whatever): Morning Loop in Madison. Somehow Hools convinced me to run 4+, instead of the much more reasonable 1-2mi that had been planned after the drive from Columbia. Followed by waitress flirting.

AM: 5mi, 36:56 (slooooow): Nuke Loop. Hardly running. Legs broken. Recover fast.

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