May 5-11
Six runs (M, T, W, R, Sa, Su), three at 60min, three at 30min. Kind of a momentous week around these parts. Hit the hour mark, painfully, for the first time in about nine months on Monday. On Saturday I managed to hit the hour avec HDLN with a perfectly timed arb romp. We saw the elusive Turkey, but it chased us from its trail. Also toed the line at the TC One Mile for my first race since City of Lakes, and I doubt I've ever been happier to run 5:28. Spent the first half-mile sitting on Jessica, terrified my stomach might explode, and waiting for the quarter-mile marker. Saw the 800m split, remembered the mile is short and that oftentimes heads explode before stomaches. Then I sped-up. In all non-psychological respects, the effort was pretty easy. Plus the race turned into a real solid outing for SCRC. Slabbaj Shout-Outs to the seven man squad!
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there's a place on the inside of my leg that makes pain go all the way to my calf if i press it. kinda weird. so: traded a long run for 10 miles easy, and some extra attn to drills, strides, core, and weird hip exercises. definitely feels like the right decision. and my body feels better, to boot. i think i needed a 'down' week, and that's how it worked out.
plan for this week is to get two track workouts in (1 really easy), and one half marathon race. mileage will be what it will be.
last week: 75 miles. two light workouts.
Matt, it definitely sounds like you made the right decision to take a "down" week. Is the place on the inside of your leg near your groin? I have a spot there that gives me issues at times. Do you have a good massage therapist or chiropractor?
I did my first quasi-workout since the marathon today - did a fartlek of 3 x (3-2-1) with 2 min. easy between the 3's and 2's and 1 min. easy after the 1's. Nice thing about a fartlek is not knowing just how slowly I'm running. :) I usually do those on a hilly route, but decided to go pretty flat today.
Heather, thanks. Yeah, it's right there. No big deal, I think. I've been doing some hip alignment things yesterday and today that seem to be helping. If it gets worse I'll head in for a massage.
Monday: 14 miles. Arb.
Glad to hear that the hip alignment exercises are working. I might have to get those from you sometime. I started having issues with that ischial tuberosity a year or so ago. It's a pain! Literally. And man, does it hurt to have a massage therapist work on. But I have had good luck with my therapist.
Good luck with everything.
May 12: Luniz 33:16
Calves were kinda pissy for the first 26 mins. Currently caught between the need to write these papers and the temptation to put some effort into, well, finding a massage therapist if you will. I've been dealing with some similar struggles in the hip/groin area. I switched health plans and I need to go through that stuff over the weekend to figure out if I can get back to see my physical therapist without taking out more loans. . .none of it is really bad right now but there are enough nagging things that I think it would be helpful to get back in there if I can.
Hey Carls,
Ran a 1500 this weekend in even splits (2:06 for the first 800, 2:06 for the last 700). Just barely a PR, but considering the way the race went, I'll take it. A couple of hours later I jumped in the 5k as a workout. Ran 76s for 8 laps and dropped out when the IT band started tightening up. NSAIDs have been my friend for a couple of days.
Milaj will probably be pretty low through early June. Next weekend is off because of graduations and such. Then I'm rabbiting a masters 3k, and racing a 5k over Memorial weekend. If I get all of my exams graded and get my stuff moved to my new apt, then I'll do a road mile on June 1st. Then it's one more week till the last 1500 of the season.
48mi again for me last week. I acquired the bulk of that via a 31mi weekend. Two runs, of approx. 15 & 16mi over hilly terrain. Both in the 2:15 range, but Sunday's effort was faster. Rode a bike with Keeley in tow for about 4.5hrs over 4 days last week as well. She has this cool "tag-a-long" thing... excuse the parental reference young'uns! In any case, our car was in the shop -- not being driven, but still goblin' up $ like it was goin' out of style. Time to draw more pictures.
Destination run for me today - 55 min. ending at the med clinic followed by 5 min. home. Gorgeous day outside! Wish I weren't in my office dealing with the final plagiarist.
May 13: Diagonal 8 45:47.
I blame the time on a day of sitting in a rocking chair writing about climate change. I can't say it felt smooth or easy or that I could have run significantly faster, but then again I haven't had a training run where I really wanted to keep running under six minute pace in quite a while, so that was nice. I've got a long ways to go before my hips are unscrewed, but today I felt like I could really notice the abwork I've been doing. Perhaps that's just wishful thinking, but I'll take it. I haven't quite been able to keep up with equal time, but I've been pretty steady in the 30-45 minutes of stretching and abs scattered through the day, which is 30-45 minutes more a day than I'd been doing. Bedar.
Finally got a decent 10k workout in. Went to Platteville with Kleimy, which was cool, though kinda far away for a workout.
2 miles up and down.
mile (4:43), mile (4:38)
6 x 300 (45, 45, 44, 45, 45, 44)
mile (4:43), mile (4:35)
day was something around 11 or 12 miles.
Ugh, legs still feeling trashed. I was supposed to do 12x400 in 65 or better, with 100 recovery, but I decided to postpone this one after just two reps. My hamstrings were just completely locked up. Felt kind of bad that my workout partner was stuck doing them all by himself.
Nice workouts Hooley and Biz!
I was going to do a hill workout today, but felt really sluggish. So I decided to run and check out a possible street with a hill that might work (I was looking for one that I wouldn't have to drive to get to, but I think it's probably too distant as well). Wound up running around 1:20. Felt good by the end.
Last week:
20 miles first 2 days, 10 miles rest of the week. Felt some tightness in my lower calf on Wednesday, and scrapped the run to be careful. It was good I did, since it was worse on Thursday, when I skipped the mile race. Probably quarters on Monday night weren't such a great idea. Saturday and Sunday I ran, 3 and 6 miles. Drugs and stretching work wonders.
May 12
8.5 (1:00) River.
Feeling better. Still no pain or tightness in the calf.
May 13
8.5 (59:00) River.
Ok, now there's some tightness in the other calf. It's less pronounced, and I think if I don't try to run quarters it should work itself out.
May 14: LSCC 46:15 nice and easy. Legs felt great, which was nice. Hoping to get in a workout tomorrow but we'll see how the paper writaj go. Less than 48 hours left as a law student. For those of you who know me, you understand just how much work I've put off that has to happen between now and Friday at 4pm. Uff-dah. It'll be a party :)
80 min late. mooney.
heather, that's a long run. be careful!
1:20 for you is a long run. 1:20 for me is 10 miles. I'm slow!
jogged to and fro the track with corey. jogged around barefoot and saw jp and tk. 8 x quarter, just easing out the kinks from tuesday. 65s and 64s. big 9 miles on the day.
May 15: Luniz 31:32.
It's funny how sometimes there are days when you know should be stressed out and unhappy but you just can't help but love life. I dunno, maybe that's not normal. Either way, I've been sitting here all afternoon after pissing away the morning by sleeping in, going to the grocery store (no Merchant sighting) and a trip to the library to find the materials for one of these assignments. While I was over at school I remembered to finally enter all of my time entries for my clinic work over the course of the year. That only took a few hours.
I got home this afternoon though and grilled up some salami and cheese sandwiches, flipped on the Twins game, and started plugging away. I cranked open the window so the sunny 69 degree weather could flow in across my face--I'm a sucker for sunshine--just melts me from the inside out every time. The Twins lost in extras after some bonehead plays, I took a nap in the sun, again, window open in that room. Eventually I figured I ought to get in a quick run, so I tossed some baked potatoes in the oven and rolled out. I got back, threw a steak in the frying pan, trundled upstairs and stretched, and now I'm just killing my time as well as yours. It doesn't get much better than this I don't think. Well, I better head back down, flip the meat, flip on the coffeepot, and get to work. In 19 hours I'll be a lawyer, at which point I think our society will need to take a deep, hard look in the mirror and try to figure out how that happened. Crap.
Biz, I'm a sucker for sun, too. It makes living down here worth it. Congratulations on the lawyer status. I'm sure the rest of the world knows where you are practicing, but do share.
Speaking of things I'm sure you all know about each other, but I don't - what sort of racing goals/races are you focusing on right now?
I had a pretty miserable hour run today. Felt like sheer caca. It was ungodly humid, but I'm not sure if that was what was up. I'm hoping to get in 12-14 miles tomorrow as my "long" run for the week and then I'll have three days off while at a workshop in Ontario. I probably need them. I'm a slave to a day off a week, and I haven't had one since last Monday.
May 14
6 (46:00) LSCC.
Nice, slow.
May 15
8.5 (59:15) River.
Legs felt good. Pretty easy.
May 16
11+ (1:18:10) River.
The plus is for an extra couple minutes I spent going back to the water pump near Lake St. Anyway, 2x (5x 2:00 with 2:00 jog rest), 6 min jog between sets. Easy reintroduction to running faster than 7 minute pace, though I doubt I ran much faster than 6's for the "on" sections. Legs felt pretty good, some noticeable unwieldy-ness, though that could be from the 79 degrees, too. I'm not used to the heat yet. There was a little extra rest taken for three water stops along the way, but since it was such an easy workout aerobically, it probably doesn't make much difference.
May 16:
Seminar paper due: 1pm.
Seminar paper turned in: 1pm.
Course paper due: 4pm.
Course paper turned in: 4pm.
A & W Special Reserve 37:22
Movie (not a date) attended.
Warm out.
Or: How to make serious progress on that stash of Halloween candy that refuses to die.
After arising from my slumber this morn my diet consisted of 4 parts coffee and 1 part hemp granola bar through the stretch.
The grocery store is closed so I'm ordering a pizza.
Heather: I'm taking the bar in Idaho, but have no plans to engage in the practice of law initially unless I stumble upon a job doing that on accident.
On account of my geographical uncertainty I don't know what race I'm going to start training for on Monday. The goal right now is a general fitness level that will be useful for any range of races between 5kish and 1/2 marathonish. After a few of those go well I'll pop my head out of the sand, figure out where the hell I am and latch onto the nearest marathon that doesn't blow. I'll be running the 1/2 at Grandmas, but that is more of a movement in the direction of that general fitness goal rather than the attainment of said goal.
The Twins are playing = I've never been so happy before in my life.
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