Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dub Duce Dub

Well, as Robert once wisely said, "There's nothing like a good woods to water." Great running and dub duce dubbing all around. From Rock Pine on to the Ice Arena the Slab City crew was solid. Half-ish our team was doing it for the first time- yet there were no rookie mistakes. Well except that our official beer drinker officially left all of her beer in Cable. Otherwise though it was just great. We didn't lose to that team in tights. We didn't break the van. We found a campsite. We ate lots of brats. We danced around. It rained but the weather was still nice. There was a completely unnecessary blind hand-off. Ahhh, what a great event.


Hools said...

i owe you like some money. write your address in an email and send it to me.

bizyah said...

May 27: 40:28 at Hyland. Pretty chill--blister is steadily improving. Hopefully it holds up tomorrow, keepin' my fingers crossed. . .

heather said...

Sounds like a blast! I'm envious...

11 miles for me today. Body feels like crap when I'm not running, but the run actually felt pretty good. It's hitting the warm part of the year down here!

Unknown said...

All I can say is: screw Polar Bears. As a result of their presence the past few weeks around the station I have been unable (and likely will continue to be unable) to run since arriving here in Churchill. Lots of hiking while carrying a shotgun, but somehow it doesn't quite make up for not running. At least the godwits are showing up.

If possible, could I get an official run down on W2W? Wish I could have been there.

bizyah said...

May 28: 1:20:48 to work from mechanic, 1:19:37 from work to mechanic, 59:30 LSCC from Sherm's. 3:39:55 total, 'bout 50k. Feel great, other than the inner thighs but that's cool. Blister was a bit noticeable but never got too crazy, which makes me happy. Nice to be able to chunk out a day like this and feel good.

Churchie said...

senner, please send biz one of your extra polar bears.

Unknown said...

Will do Churchie. Apparently Canadian customs charge a steep rate though, so beware when the package arrives, you might have to shill out a bundle in cash.

bizyah said...

Hehe, "package" hehe. . .

May 29: Harriet & Calhoun 45:01. Middle 24 mins at "tempo," rest of it at "slow." Legs were a bit fatigued, as expected, but the tempo portion was pretty solid. Traveled further than 4 miles for that section. . .but not by much. There was also some wind. All in all, a decent run.

Hools said...

mon- off.
tue- run with sepe. 9 miles or something.
wed- 30 am/60 pm. 14 miles
thu- 70 min. easy.

been sick with a cold ever since i returned from god's country. if it gets better i'll work out tomorrow.

Jreddy said...

Can't wait to get back into summer mileage. Grading finals, eating baked goodies for every meal (courtesy of my girls), and moving to a new apt--it's all taken a lot out of me.

I paced Pete Magill at a Masters 3k last week. I was supposed to do 1600 in 4:36, but I only did 1200 in 3:30. He ended up only 6/100s off of his own American Record.

On a positive note, my new apt has ridiculous trail access. My roommate and I were checking it out last night. There's a park with a monster hill, cris-crossed by dirt paths, water fountains/restrooms, and spectacular views of downtown LA.

Sounds like W2W was a fun time.

bizyah said...

May 30: MTPO 1:11:27. Nice and easy. There were some folks checkin' out the house so I had to make sure I stretched it out long enough. Generally uneventful day, other'n feelin' crappy. Last few weeks, seems to be something in the air cloggin' my head and makin' things all foggy. Fortunately I don't have allergies. That would really suck right now. Mostly just fat right now.

bizyah said...

May 31: Over to Mem Pkwy and down to Plymouth Ave 1:45:54. Crappy.

bizyah said...

June 1: 1:07:14 Took a break in the middle to do some cheering for the Team Ortho 1/2 mar, 10 mile, 5k debacle that was taking place along the riverah. Stretched and stuff. Ran real slow when the running was happening. Getting anxious to put in some actual quality work without one body part or another threatening to fall off.

80ish miles for the week, but none of it particularly worthwhile.