Sunday, June 01, 2008


Got in some good miles today- which had been a goal for the weekend. I'd like Nickmas to also know that we also organized the kitchen, picked away at the living room garbage and washed and vacuumed the car.
Ran up to Tom's joint. You would think that a person could only get screwed over by the fact that Hiawatha runs at an angle maybe four, five times in a month. Not so. More than I think. Probably still more than I think. After meandering my way up to Tom's, we ran a Lake St. / Franklin loop around the river (not around the whole river). Then I ran back on a much better trajectory. Cooled down by putting several cookies into a bowl of ice-cream.
Since Jill was wearing my watch for her run (!), I have no real clue how far I ran. Since it will be important to have some record of the run, however, I am planning on using "100" for a place holder in my records. I'm pretty sure it was somewhere between 10 miles and 100 miles. I'll put 100 just to be on the safe side. I was gone for quite a while.


heather said...

I like this idea, Phil. I often go without my watch, so I'll just count all those days as 100s.

We have officially crossed into summer here. I'm trying to get a read on how to best structure my training as I increase mileage in the heat. Normally, I prefer to do as much as I can in singles (this wasn't always the case) to save time on showers, etc. But it gets harder and harder to be out there for over 90 minutes for each run. So, I may try resuming more doubles. The bummer there is the extra time and motivating for two hot runs solo.

Still, I do enjoy the feeling of coming home soaked from a run. And I've found that watermelon sprinkled with salt is the best post-run treat there is!

to catch up from last week - 9 miles Friday, 14 Saturday, 11.5 yesterday, 12 today. All easy. Tomorrow I'll start my first re-introduction of workouts with a fartlek.

bizyah said...

Heather, you're absolutely correct about the salted watermelon--could it get any better than that in the summer? Yowser! For colder days--peep this: grapefruit, sliced in half, sprinkled with brown sugar, broiled for a couple minutes. Sarah Schillaci introduced me to that--unbelievably yummy!!!

June 2: AM Luniz 34:30, nice and easy. Bike to work (60), bike to track, (60), 1000 m "threshold" warmup 3:34, 3 sets of 4 x 400 w/1 min recovery, jog 400 between sets, 2 x 200 w/walk recovery, 1000 m "threshold" cooldown 3:32, bike home (10). 400s were 75, 75, 74, 73, 75, 73, 75, 74, 76, 75, 75, 75, 75. 200s were untimed, reached back and found an old gear on the second one to put Rube away. You can probably tell which of the 400's he was leading since the goal was to hit 75s.

Felt much easier than I had expected. Right calf in particular got tight after 5 or 6, but nothing too bad. They'll both be sore for a couple days. Considered doing more reps, but decided that it would be best at this point to leave feeling good. I'm trying not to rush back into shape, so I figure whatever work I didn't get in today I'll manage to take care of later. Bedar.

heather said...

Fartlek this morning - 11ish miles, including 5 x 3 min. on and 5 x :45 on. 2 min. easy after the 3s and 1:15 after the :45s. Took 3 min. between the long and short segments.

I'm still readjusting to the heat - the 3 miles I ran after the fartlek about killed me, and then I had a wave of nausea after getting out of the shower.

Task number one this summer - figure out how to keep my electrolytes in balance and stay on top of my calories.

heather said...

Chris, I'll have to try the grapefruit sometime, though it's likely to be a while before I want to use the oven! Remind me in October...

bizyah said...

Tonight, my dream finally came true. Allow me to explain.

Biked to work (60), biked to see Obama give his victory speech at Xcel which was ab-so-lutely friggin' amazing (60).

For years and years, as long as I can remember, every time I get on a bike, within a very short span of time I began to engage in earnest, sometimes silent, wishing for my bike to break and allow me to continue to my destination in a more reasonable fashion, like running. Oddly, this never happens. Wish as I do, it simply doesn't occur. Clearly, there was something special in the air in downtown St. Paul this evening.

I noticed something a little odd in my pedaling after I hit a bump around Summit and Dale on my way to the rally, but didn't give it much thought. As I chunked up the hill from the Capitol towards the Basilica on my way home, the clunking and wobbling became more pronounced. With every turn of the pedal down Summit things got progressively less good-sounding and operating such that when I hit the uphill at Marshall and the River Rd, it was a dream come true! I got off, walked it the next three miles to the bike shop, locked it up, got a couple slices of pizza at Mesa, ate them, and ran home. Despite the jeans, sandals, and pockets filled with wallet, keys, and various lights, that 21:13 was everything I thought it could be!

Not quite the easy recovery day I had intended, and less than 1/3 the distance as that run by Tom Church, but a dream come true nonetheless.

Oh yeah, and Obama is fucking awesome!