Saturday, March 08, 2008

Tom Church handcuffed to the bumper of a state trooper's Ford

Chunked out a short run with Mattmas this morning- no thanks to Nick or Sherman. Legs appreciated the shortness- given the bushels of mileaj yesterday and the day before: back to back renditions of Kevin's Greenway Slamfest 2008 (back to back = one day then the next day, Biz. Not to say which day). The Slamfest is shaping up to be a solid little- dare I say perfectly medium sized- run. That said, neither Matt/Nick nor myself have any idea how far it actually is or a close estimate of the amount of time it takes to run it. Good, though, to have a nice run with a name to help get through the last snow-covered weeks until Harp-Cee-Dar reopens in all it's 50 minute glory.
Came home to some awesome baked oatmeal and the sweet sounds of the Not A Brarkfest Mix Mix.


bizyah said...

March 7: AM Threat Level 8 56:08. Nice and easy. No urge to do anything but just run easy.

PM: Lakes, 10, 1:11:14. Started out awful darn slarbedar, then, as I was approaching the turn over to Isles, made eye contact with this dude running slow into the tunnel headed the same way. He saw me coming and kicked it up a notch. I countered, he looked back, he increased speed again. Being the insufferable hyper-competitive prick that I am, I followed him onto Isles despite the fact that he turned the opposite direction I was intending to take on the lake. As I was rolling past him he looked over and asked if he could tag along, so I slowed a bit and we started chatting. Turns out I'm a real jerk on account of the fact that he was the dude who took 4th at the Pan Am Games marathon last year and was just coming off the Austin marathon. Anyway, he's got a summer gig at Faegre this year. Despite that, seems like a pretty nice dude. I'm sure I didn't need to be moving that quickly after yesterday's run, but I can't say it didn't feel good.

March 8: Mid-afternoon Collegeville 9. Out 'n back, some of it on the Lake Wobegon bike trail. Snowy, windy, but actually quite quick. 57:44. Was checkin' splits evey half mile on the bike trail portion, it all seemed to add up. Missed the 200's and the 4 x 200's as a result, but made it back for the 3ks @ indoor konference. Booyah meet. Very booyah. Big ups to all the Carleton women and the fellahs, massive throwdownaj across the board!!!

Evening: A & W 37:40. Also a quick run. Was just all jazzed up from that track meet spectatoraj. Fun stuff.

March 9: AM Luniz-->Mascioli's-->Lake of the Isles etc, 1:52:44, 15 miles. Not fast. Any of it. But that's oool. Easy like Sunday morning. Bedar.

PM: 2 mile warmup, 8 x 200 w/200 jog recovery, 2 mile cooldown. 35, 33, 33, 33, 33, 32, 32, 31. Not really clicking, but there were some miles in the legs from the morning, some fatique in there as well, and a gyro sandwich from the Holyland in my belly. All of those things conspired to help the 200's feel like they each shoulda been 3 or 4 seconds faster for the effort. Oh well.

Week: 140 miles.

12 week total: 1500 miles. Definite volume pr. Feeling pretty darn good as well. Better than I was feeling before this whole "training" thing got under way. Now I've got 6 weeks in which to prepare my body to take whatever it just gained and apply that to racing. Should be interesting. Bedar.

Hools said...

you're an ass, biz. jacob frey could melt your body with his mind.

Unknown said...

March 3-9: 63 miles. Started to feel better as the week went on, although the asthma is still an issue. On Saturday I had a pretty crazy run through an ice storm. Branches were falling all around me and ice was falling off of trees and shattering in the road. Luckily I survived intact. Still no workouts or anything. Am looking to just maintain this level of effort until I feel 100% well again. Also of note: saw Springsteen play in Buffalo on Friday night; it was awesome.

March 10
Game Farm--1:09:34
Some bathroom issues led to some slow miles, but otherwise can't complain: it wasn't raining or sleeting, which is a big improvement on the weekend.

bizyah said...

March 10: AM Main Douzaine untimed. Easy and slow.

Hooley is absolutely correct.

PM: off.