Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Thought She Said Maple Leaves

March 4-10

Five runs (T, R, F, Su, M), 20min each. Only got to one yoga class this week, but it was perfect intensity and I can able to replicate some of the poses at home. While the runs are this short it seems like 5 is enough to build strength. That first 20min effort was difficult. The last two were substantially easier. Some of that also has to do with warmer weather and, on Sunday, my first group run since September. Sometime soon I hope to join that Slamfest Coalition.


chaypaw said...

March 11
First day in shorts in nearly 4 months merits a post.

8.5 (56:34) River.
Easy wkt, just easing back into things. Also longest run in probably a month. Knee felt good, but I'm definitely out of shape. Ran 4x 3 min at threshold with equal rest. Mile splits were 6:20, 6:30, 6:15, which leads me to believe the "on" sections were south of 6 minute pace. That's nice considering how slow it felt, but 3 minutes shouldn't be so hard. Each one was a bit easier than the last, which is also a good sign. Maybe I won't die on Sunday...

bizyah said...

March 11: AM Diagonal 8 52:47. Felt quite good, despite wearing pants and sleeves which were a bit unnecesary this morning.

PM: MTPO 1:10:51. Got down to the shorts and t-shirt, but there appears to be something about prodigious snowmelt that makes my interior processors overly productive. Either that or it was the late lunch. In any case, sunny skies and the calls of nature were present throughout this little excursion.

M Scholi said...

Haven't posted on here in a while (or ever) about any trainaj, because, well, there hasn't been any trainaj to speak of. That's been a changing recently, as I've been getting out the door consistently over the past month or so, mainly rarnin' nice and easy w/ philbadar. Did a nice solo run this afternoon that took me around parts of 3 different lakes including Cedar, which was nice - hadn't run on that for a while.

...Here's to hoping Tom finds his way out of Loring Park and into the slamfest coalition soon...

bizyah said...

March 12: Mid-afternoon: Luniz 29:42. An odd day led to needing to hammer out a run pretty quick in order to get to my first and only class of the day at 3:35. Run felt good though--quicker than usual but not, like, hard.

PM: Pre-party loop with a PPHC extension. Starting to gear up for December. Followed that 5+ at a nice clip up with LSCC with a quicker than normal Lake St loop, 1:24:02 and about 13 miles all told.

Erik Brooks said...

22 miles last week, and I'm working on 30 or so for the present. Still skiing 3-4 days a week, but that will end very soon. Happy taper Mr. Lundberg!

bizyah said...

March 13: AM MTPO untimed. Started slow, and there was a lotta ice out there from yesterday's melting.

PM: Odd. Stomach, body, and brain were all unanimous in there not wanting to do anything hard this afternoon. Warmed up about 4 miles, then, did 7 of the 8 hills with Rube, Ghidewon, and Ben Ho on the river road beneath Washington. Hill is 400 meters up, we ran up "hard" then jogged out and back another few hundred meters, then ran fast on the way down, short walk recovery, then back up. I took a potty break after a couple of repeats and missed one, then the second to last downhill didn't feel quite right so I took the last round pretty easy. Uphills were ranging between 88-90 secs, kept the effort to sustainable road race sorta levels. Only timed one downhill, it was 62, they were all pretty similar. Those actually felt good. Ghidewon was throwin' down, just kickin' my butt on all the uphills. He looks to be a force as soon as we can coak him out onto the roads. . .

March 14: AM Luniz 34:48. Felt alright, started real slow but then got into a rhythm after a while, which was nice. First morning since our first big snow around Thanksgiving that conditions looked unskiable.

PM: Lakes, from Marathon Sports. Got some new shoes. Just did Harriet and Calhoun, taper and all ya know. 47:22. Was rolling pretty good by the end. That route tends to fall somewhere around halfway between 6 and 8 miles, but I was parked a couple blocks off the lake. Still, neither 6 nor 8, so remains an indeterminate distance.

bizyah said...

Big Al, get ready to meet Blake Hoffarber. Tubby Smith and company v. the Illini = battle of the century!!!

bizyah said...

March 15: Okay, so the Gophers blew it. Last night's game was soooo good though, it ought to count for like 18 wins.

On the running. CSED/Kevin's Greenway Slamfest 2008 gained some fresh coalition members this morning as Matmas, Philbert, Gehronimo, Shermadizzle, and myself managed to complete the run from the reverse direction.

New shoes are helping the legs feel a bit peppier. We'll see how all of that shakes out tomorrow. . .