July 23
14mi, Untimed. Did a 2mi jog with Boulder in the morning. After work did 8xHill on the WRR under Franklin. Ran with Sherm and Reub and made it my goal to keep my face and shoulders relaxed for the whole thing. Also wanted to stay well within myself for most of the workout and did. Timed the first one (2:49) and then ditched the watch and went by effort. Sherman reported times for 2-8 as 2:51, :52, :48, :43, :43, :36, :28. Finished feeling strong, relaxed and focused. Need to do more workouts like this.
July 22
4mi, Untimed. Still easy with Boulder. 1hr of yoga.
Week: 53.5mi/6days, 2hrs of yoga. Missed a few miles over the first few days of the week, but got one good workout, one so-so workout and a good long run. So I'm happy.
July 21
16mi, 1:47+. Doughnut Run (Past Melo Glaze, around Nokomis & back). Felt pretty terrible and probably only would have made it 6-8mi without Schrader/Dan/Biz. Instead got a solid long run and picked it up for 2.5-3mi at 6:00-pace towards the end.
July 20
10mi, Como Etc, Untimed. Easy Run with Sherman. More difficult with the addition of Boulder late in the run. I was towed along as Sherman and Boulder settled -or aggravated- a score I hadn't known existed.
July 19
4mi, Untimed. Easy with Boulder.
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July 22
14 (1:34:29) Green Lake and Capital Hill, Seattle--Felt pretty wasted by the middle of the run, a combination of the humidity, lack of sleep, and the workout yesterday. Finished with the last 3 miles more or less up hill; something that I am glad I don't have to do every day.
Week=78 miles. A few more than I expected, but until Sunday, I felt great.
July 23
10 (1:17) UW campus, Seattle--Ran first 4 with Kate and then last 6 on my own. The was very slow and for much of it I thought 8 minute pace might be my top speed, but things loosened up a bit by the end. Ran into Maria Coryell-Martin, who was out biking. Still as crazy as ever.
July 24
10 (1:05:31) Rexius loop--For some reason still feeling the effects of the weekend, so I tried to keep things very relaxed again. Succeeded until turning into the wind for much of the last 5 miles.
July 23
12 (1:18:42) River.
I'd like to say this felt good, but 85 degrees with a billion percent humidity doesn't feel good. Grumble.
July 24
8.5 (1:00:00) River.
Planned another 12, but weather and dehydration got in the way. Legs were wasted enough from not having enough water between yesterday and today that I cut the run short. And that was good, since I was not inclined to run any more than I did by the time I finished. Would like the miles, but oh well. Hopefully the weather will break a little and at least stop being so humid.
chapel. you are phe-nominally persistent.
Monday: 11. 3 WU, 8x Franklin University Hill, 1 CD. For me: 2:50, :51, :52, :48, :43, :45, :49, :37. Unusually heavy breathing from the get-go, but things felt reasonable until about 50 meters from the top of the first crest on #6, at which point I punched a hole in the bucket and the mojo drained out. Totally lost focus on 7; summoned a bit of the demon rage for 8, which lasted me about 80% of the way up the hill. Legs didn't trigger too well at any point and it got hot pretty quick. Mental lollygagging on the second-to-last one aside, I was pleased with things given my long run the day prior, which I figured out was 19 when I realized that it is more than 2 miles around Lake Calhoun. Some good self-deception, since I would not have tacked on a full five at the end had I been aware enough to do that math during the run.
Tuesday: 8, over to Owen's place in St. Paul for some shish kabobs, corn, watermelon, and Jeff Paine's fine company. Relatively quick for me these days (sub-7 pace), which was surprising given my last couple days. Again gross and humid.
if you weren't already feeling down about vinokourov...
July 23: Up to the top of the "S" hill, or Tenderfoot Mt., whatever you want to call it, then back into the hills from there. Also slept up there, it was beautiful. Salida, CO = could be worse. I've had a bit of internet inconsistency, and I managed to post my last one a couple threads back on the "quarter notes" thing, oops! Anyway, 1:03 nice and relaxed. Then picked up the car, which should remain in one piece until I get home, but there is certainly some pipe + catalytic converter replacement in the very near future.
June 24: 46:30 in the namesake of Great Sand Dunes National Park. Holy crap is it hard to run up a 750 ft sand dune! Yes, they're the tallest dunes in North America, so that's cool. And gorgeous! Cruising up and down through the dunes, watching the sunrise over the crick and 14,000 ft. mountains that border the dunes was even more incredible than watching the billowing thunderheads pump out lightning across the plain below the previous evening. Vacation rocks!
July 25: 2:38:49, up West Frisco crick, looped up and over some peak whose name/elevation I need to look up--somewhere in the high 12,000-low 13,000 ft =(difficult to breathe while running)--then down Middle Frisco and back to the car. Best night of sleep yet, down in the soft grass along the crick, beautiful stars, moon, etc. And booyah to the whole water symposium thing--that was pretty sweet.
Now for a quick drive across the plains. . .three tanks of gas and I'm back in da hood!!! Ya-hoooooo!
July 25
8 (?) Macalester Track.
2+ WU, 1600 @ MP, 2x 400 @ fast, 1600 @ MP, 2+ CD.
Half the workout I planned about a week ago (2 miles, 4 quarters, 2 miles), in preparation for Rice St. Decided it would be good if I ran faster than 5:30 pace at some point before trying to race a mile. Given the last couple days, however, the workout turned out to be both better and more than I expected. Set out planning to do just the quarters, but felt better on the WU than I thought I would, and decided to try the MP, and cut it short if it was too much for the 96 degree heat index.
Ran 5:53 (pretty even after the first 200 was 41), 69, 69, 5:52 (pretty even the whole way). Though the MP was harder than it should be, it's hot out. And the quarters were quite difficult. I haven't run that fast in a long time. But I negative split the second one, which was fun. Felt relatively strong and about as relaxed as I could expect. Pretty pleased with the workout, even though it's a little disconcerting when an 'easy' workout makes your legs feel so heavy on the CD.
July 26
12 (1:18:10) River.
Got a little carried away. Weather finally broke, and I was 20 minutes into my run. Have I mentioned I love running in the rain? Because I do. So the 8-10 miler turned into 12 today. It was raining pretty hard for about 20 minutes, to go along with some strong winds. Not surprisingly, along with the return of cooler weather came the feeling that I could actually run. After the last couple days I'd been missing that feeling.
Caught a leaf. Glad it wasn't a branch. Apparently the wind was stong enough to knock down some pretty big branches. I saw a couple fly across the street in front of me as I was running, but the biggest one had closed an entire block of Summit on my way back. And that was almost 40 minutes after it stopped raining.
Also, one sign you might be a distance runner: if it's raining, and your bandanna gets too waterlogged, you simply take it off and tie it around your waist.
happy birthday, dan!
July 25
12 (1:20:06) Alton Baker Point--Couldn't avoid running during the heat of the afternoon, but made it through relatively unscathed. Started to really loosen up mid way through the run, which was a nice change from the trend of the past few days.
July 26
10--3k at the all-comers meet (9:21)--Shitty. Was dehydrated and had tired legs. I guess I am still in the early stages of getting back into shape, but I had hoped for something considerably better than this. Not really what I wanted for my last race in Eugene for at least a couple of years. Ah well. 4 wu and 4 cd.
July 27
12.5 (1:26:51) Alton Baker Point plus add on--Started very slowly, likely around 7:30 pace, as I was feeling the track work from last night. By the end started to feel really good and was just rolling off some 5:40s. It's a good thing that the end of the run felt good too, because at the start of the run I seriously considered running straight back home and going back to bed.
July 26: MTPO 1:05:07. Felt alright, a bit stiff and sore from the drive. Nice to be back home after a great trip. I feel like I've rounded the corner on the fatigue removal process and am now able to begin dealing with the terrible shape that I am now in. We're looking at the worst fitness levels since the summer prior to my junior year of high school. Which is cool, but unacceptable. But, I feel refreshed all over and ready to get back to the grind. The racing is likely to get slower before it gets faster here, but it's about time I got back to actually training.
July 27: A & W 38:50. Waited until after dinner to get the run in, had a few other things to take care of. Had been thinking of going longer for the pre-meet, but dinner in the tummy and the increased soreness of the body told me not to. Get to race a mile on the road tomorrow, which should be fantastic. Conditions appear ripe for me to get the crap kicked outta me, but at least it'll be fun, right? Harpsepar!
July 28: About a mile or so warmup, maybe two. Then, the Rice St. Mile in about 4:53ish. Had to really throw down to catch Big Jim--the 40 something ultramarathoner with the bum hamstring--but I got him at the line. Nice cooldown back to the start plus another 30 mins. I'm waiting on results to see if I managed to get my 7th grade mile pr, but I doubt it. Really just need to get in some good long runs for a while to get things together. But fortunately, that's the plan!!! Big shout out to Chap who was in pr territory as was Ben Merchant. Rube has now recorded his first victory over me, and it was a resounding one. Gehring ran well and bought a car on the way over. We didn't make it to Dairy Queen, but it was awful close :)
July 29: Deuce-Deuce w/Chap 2:29:04. From his joint down the riverah to Ford, up the parkway to the lakes, ran with Deutsch until I had to poop and she left us in the dust. From there up Calhoun, across the Greenway back to the riverah, crossed at Lake then on back to Chap's. Nice run. Not much water on the Greenway, but everything else was good. Hit some Hammergel about 2:03 in, which was nice. Left groinish muscle running up and down for a ways got real tight and sore. It's been a pain for a while now, but was more of a pain today. I think it might be called an "abductor" but I can't remember for sure. But it hurts either way. No biggie though, but I was draggin' ass towards the end of things, keepin' the reigns on Mr. Chapel. Uff-dah. Mileaj this week was in the 85-90 neighborhood, which is nice. Felt like I haven't really run much, so that's probably a good sign. Harpsepar.
July 27
8.5 (1:00:10) River.
Easy run. Premeet. Felt ok.
July 28
8 (?) Rice Street Mile.
Don't know where that one came from. After Wednesday's workout I was hoping to break 5. Well, mission accomplished, I guess. I really thought we weren't halfway yet when I hit the 1200 (not that I knew it was the 1200 at the time). Anyway, saw the finish and got enough in gear to beat the group of collegeville guys around me. Felt fine. Even at the finish, I felt like I had another mile or so in me. Of course, that's about how all of my "good" miles have felt, so who knows. 4:43 is a post-collegiate PR, and two seconds off of my full mile PR. Plus, I probably took a second to cross the start line, where there was no mat. Felt like I had a couple more seconds if I had known where I was in the race, or noticed the quarter mile markers. But really, I can't be dissapointed with the time. There is no real justification for being able to run that fast at this point.
July 29
22 (2:29:18) River, Lakes, Greenway.
Nice run with Biz. First 90 minutes felt great, and then we hit the greenway, which was long, sunny and not terribly comfortable. There's not much water on the greenway. Probably a good sign that I only started to feel the run getting towards that 2 hour mark, which is not surprising. Ran into JD on Harriet, which was nice for about a mile, before she ushered us on. Had a Hammergel just before we hit the river, around 2 hours in, and that probably helped. There was no real energy crash just before 2 hours, which was before I popped the gel anyway. But I finished feeling very strong, which was probably partly due to the gel. Didn't really have any accelleration towards the end, but I would guess we got down into the 6:30s on the greenway. Good to have a solid LR in this week.
79 miles, 2 wkts, 22 LR.
Solid week, good LR. Wanted some more miles, but the humidity and my dehydration kind of got in the way of that. This week I'll be better able to run in the morning, so we'll see if that helps things a bit.
wednesday: easy 5 with gehring. disgusting outside. then, pizza with phil and nick.
thursday: happy hours. no run.
friday: 6, home from work with a brief sojurn into werth. pretty slow. lifted before the run.
saturday: 5, Pretty Standard. very slow morning run. was tired. then, drank lots of beer in the iron range.
sunday: 20.5 in 2:27. ran down to Isles and ran a 10k with the mile markers. did 3 loops of Isles all told, ran home, and added on 6 with Pretty Standard Extended Reverse. also, swam 1/2 mile or so in the morning.
10k was in 38:48, which works out to 6:15s. started with a 6:20 and eased into 6:10s. felt pretty comfortable throughout, and I think I could have extended the tempo portion for a couple more miles before I would have started to really feel it. I ran a 38:42 at Get in Gear, and it's encouraging to be able to repeat that without a whole lot of strain a few months later. original plan was to run 15, but I felt good coming back from Isles and decided to take advantage of that, particularly since I don't think a long run is in the cards this upcoming weekend. I was pretty bushed by the end of the run.
week: 56 in 6, 2 workouts, long run of 20.5. another good week -- two positive workouts and a quality long run.
July 30: MTPO 1:14:28. Pretty darn sore, particularly in the one spot on the left side, but in most other places as well. Unfortunately felt as though I still got in a reasonable effort despite the length of time that it took to complete the run. Legs are pretty tight and sore all over, but that's about what I'm anticipating to be dealing with over the next couple weeks as I get back into the swing of things. Nice to get back to droppin' a ten-spot before work though--it feels much better!
July 31: AM MTPO 1:08:28. Real sluggish getting going, didn't actually notice that it got faster other than by looking at the watch. First half took as long as yesterday, so I guess I got rolling in there somewhere. It all still felt pretty un-booyah, but six minutes faster than yesterday is alright. Gonna try to squeeze in another 5-spot this evening, either before or after chillin' with Chapstroid.
July 30
11 (1:19:48) River.
So maybe this run is a little long. Whatever. Slow, easy, recovery. Body pretty sore, quads in particular from the run yesterday. Also of note is some IT band tightness/soreness in the left knee. Need to keep and eye on that.
July 31
8.5 (58:59) River.
Better than yesterday. Most of the muscle soreness has gone, and while the IT stiffness is still there, it was much improved today. Made sure the run was short and easy just to be safe, but I think I may have gotten on top of this one early enough, knock wood. Did core strength stuff yesterday and today, and that seems to be helping the situation.
July 16-29
97mi. 6 runs. Oddly enough 2300mi of driving, 2 trail races, lots of walking in San Francisco, and several easy recovery runs seems to have cleared up my hip flexor tightness. Curious to see what a more regular running routine does to it now that I am back.
July 21: Tahoe Rim Trail 50k (actually 32.2mi) 5:20.50. 5th place. Fought some cramping during the last 8 miles, and the finish line clock placed 1.7 miles BEFORE the finish was just a little aggravating. Otherwise a fine race with 20+ miles conducted above 8000ft. Amazing panoramic views of Lake Tahoe from 2 different high points during the race. Easily the most scenic 50k that I have had the pleasure to endure. Eight additional fellahs joined me for the weekend. Always a nice reunionaj.
July 28: White River 50mi. The 2007 USATF National 50mi Trail Running Championships... My 9:18.49 finishing time wasn't much in the greater context of the 6:59 victory pace, but I did place 35th overall and set a 50mi PR on this weekend after Tahoe. The main objective was to overload the long runs with back to back solid weekends. Mission accomplished. I started conservatively, and felt really strong on the uphills especially. My legs were a little jello on the downs, especially after hour 6, but I kept the calorie intake in balance and finished with some gusto. I passed at least 8 people in the last 6.4 miles with my blistering 10min/mile pace to finish the race. The taper for Wasatch is just weeks away!
July 31: PM 30:59, I'm calling it 5 miles--I was moving pretty well. Just a quick post-dinner pre-sleep jog down Lexington to Hwy 5 and back.
Aug 1: AM To Work 1:28:40. I'm giving this one 14. Again, was running alright. Apparently throwing in some doubles is the way to get the legs feeling fresh again. Not surprising. Looking forward to the jog up to the Dome when the forecast calls for an additional 20 degrees of warm for that segment of the day's miles. Should be fabulous. I like this running to work idea though, might have to turn it into a 1-2 times a week sort of gig. We'll see how things go. Bedar.
August 1
14.5 (1:32:30) River.
2+ WU, 10 @MP, 2+ CD.
Solid workout, shooting for 6 min pace, or just under. Took a while to find any kind of rhythm, and had serious trouble slowing down (as in, I couldn't do it) but overall a strong effort. I was ready to be done by the tenth mile, but was feeling strong, running ahead of pace, and could have continued on. Anyway:
5:51, 6:04, 5:49, 5:46, 5:52, (8 seconds to turn around), 5:46, 5:43, 5:50, 5:48, 5:44.
Total of 58:18, starting and finishing at PR's 6 mile mark, or mile 21 on the TCM course.
Good to have this workout under my belt. Hope to get at least one more of these in before TCM. Maybe some company next time?
Monday: 10.5, Lake Street Loop. Shadowed some dude for the first 4 or so before he turned around, and I proceeded to slow down a decent amount as it got hot and I got tired. Found a new path along the river on the West Bank side that eventually loops into the down-by-the-river trail that eventually hooks into the hill by Weisman. The footing on the new part isn't too Sherman-friendly, and much of it is running on sand/rocks along the river. Don't know that it will become a permanent addition to the run. Ran into Betsy by the train tracks/U footpath, and ran home with her, which was nice.
Tuesday: 5. Ran a quasi-workout, starting out around 6:30-6:40 and dropping down to around 6:00 pace, if my judgment on how Sunday felt applies. Felt pretty good.
Wednesday: Nearly Wirthless, a run home from work that dips into Werth only to roughly parallel 55 for maybe a mile or so. The run today was a touch longer than 6, though with a snippable trip up and down a footbridge that crosses train tracks that will be snipped in future incarnations. Really, really slow. It was pretty damn hot, and after a couple of the steep Wirth hills and the toll of the last few days my legs were cashed. Last couple miles were a real struggle. Lifted before the run, though my lifting has to this point largely been going through the motions, and will be until I get some semblance of upper body strength again so I feel like I can get into a lifting rhythm. I do think the lifting adds to my tiredness on these home-from-work runs.
Aug. 1 PM Work-Metrodome, 11 miles, 1:12:18. 25 miles on the day, and each one of them was well worth it. I picked the right day not to commute on 35W. Twins game was interesting-can't say there was a lot of enthusiasm in the building, mostly a lot of distracted people. It was extremely comforting to be surrounded by fellahs and Coach T.
Didn't get home/to sleep until midnight, so the run is going to happen this evening, preceded and followed by a significant amount of time spent staring into space. Weird feeling.
Aug 2: Afternoon, 10 miles at Hyland, 1:08:24. Warm in the sun, nice in the shade. Finished with a loop up the ski jump--bounded. It was hard. It felt good. Bedar.
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