July 18
11.5mi, 1:11:42 (Wkout): WU, 6mi "RR", CD+. Plan was to try a 6mi progression run with splits at 6:20, :10, :00, :55, :50, :40-45. Instead hit 5:55, :54, :52, :52, :42, :42 out and back on PR's miles 6-9. After the first two miles were fast I decided just to hold pace and try to negative split over the last two miles, and that worked. The first 4mi felt very relaxed and controlled and only the last half-mile was difficult. I'm encouraged by the fact that I can run 5:50s with relative ease but now that I have a better sense of pacing I want to do this workout again and focus on hitting the correct splits. Watched Boulder stoically fend off an attack on the cool down.
July 17
8mi, Untimed Wkout (4xWeissman K). Not sure what I was thinking. Taking Monday off complicated my plans for the week, so I thought I'd cram in an easy workout. Then I thought it would be easy to run 6xK on the river road over by the Weissman. Not the case. These start downhill for 400-600m depending on which way you're running, then finish uphill for the balance like the cemetary hills in Northfield. Sometime when I'm fit and it's less humid this will be a great workout. Today I was taking full walking recovery between each one and packed it in after 4. Did the last 2mi of my cool down with Boulder. Also 1hr of very sweaty yoga.
July 16
Day Off. Exhausted.
July 15
4mi, Untimed. Legs sore from trying to keep up with Turner and Shankman's son on the dance floor. Ran down Forsyth in St. Louis hoping to find something recognizable. Found one of the high school kids who kept sprinting past us on our run the day before. Sprinted past him and hoped the hotel was close. It was.
Week: 44mi/6days. Not what I'd hoped for, but decent considering the busy week.
July 14
Tremendous 12, Untimed. 2xForest Park Loop in St. Louis with the Fellahs: Tim McMurry, Mark Schroeder, Turner, Schutz, Hinckley, Painer, Sherm, Paul, Hools, the Brodeo, and of course Dan Schofer on his last run as a bachelor. There was baitaj and switchaj, credit cardaj and wrestlah/sprintahs, and from the groom-to-be, pace concernaj. Abslabloutely fantastic. Congratulations yet again to Schof and Marie!
July 13
4mi, Untimed. Beautiful early morning loop past the Star Tribune, over Boom and Nicollet Islands and back to Sherman's. No Sherman on the run.
July 12
Day Off.
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July 17
12 (1:18:18)--Alton Baker Point. Felt great and struggled to keep from speeding up too much. It was delightfully cool throughout, which is a nice change.
July 18
10.5 (1:04:07)--In-laws. Threw in a two-mile surge, six miles into the run at around 5:35 pace. I've noticed that when I run too many miles at the same pace, the muscles start to feel crappy and I feel more fatigued than if I were running workouts. So this was an effort to change things up a bit. Finished up the day with 6x100m strides. These are also a new effort on my part, combined with prolonged stretching and more core exercises, to avoid some of the injuries and poor running form that have been nagging at me over the past 8 months or so. Hopefully they'll have the desired effect.
July 19
10.5 (1:21:26)--Jefferson Hill Loop+River Trails. Ran the first 6.5 with Kate on a new loop she'd measured out on google earth. Then finished up with another 4 on my own. A nice and relaxing morning run. It also looks like the cool weather is breaking, so it was good to get things in before the heat.
July 16
11 (untimed) River.
Easy recovery. Unremarkable.
July 17
8.5 (58:15) River.
Supposed to be 11, but some persistent pain in the shin lingering from yesterday shortened it. Even though it went away after about 3 miles, I figure it would be best to take it easier now than later.
July 18
Off. Resting the shin.
July 19
10.5 (67ish) River.
Pissed off about some work stuff. Originally intended to do hills today, but with the day off, I was unsure. After a couple miles I decided I'd do hills, but not as many. No pain in the shin, which is good news. So, 4+ WU, 2x Franklin hill, 4+CD.
Unable to focus on the first hill, and ran too fast: 2:27. Decided to do only one more and cut loose a little more. Got a couple bikers to chase and thoroughly destroyed them. 2:18. Encouraging for Rice street, but really only took the edge off. By the end of the run I was raring to go again. Some of that is probably the off day yesterday.
July 20
11 (1:15:15) River.
Yeah, it's like that. New shoes. Somewhere around a thousand miles on the last pair, may have had something to do with the legs feeling a little trashed recently. They've been retired.
July 21
18 (1:58:04) River+ Nokomis.
With the 'crew. Tom, Biz and Phil, anyway. Rolled out before the heat could do much of anything, which was probably good. Ran down the river from Tom's place to Ford, then over to Nokomis, around and back to the park. that put us around 12, and we started a little MP action (because I'm an asshole- some others were less enthusiastic about running any faster). After about three MP miles with Tom and Phil, Biz and I continued for another 2 before jogging back to Tom's to finish the run. MP splits: 3:03 (2nd half of PR's first mile- we started near the starting line but not at it), 5:59, "6:20" (going across Lake St. Bridge- longer than an actual mile), 5:39, 5:46. Seeing the 5:39 split, I no longer had to wonder why the pace seemed harder than before. Nice to be able to feel that comfortable and strong during the end-of-LR-workout, but a little concerning for the actual marathon that I didn't notice a 20s speed up over 2 miles. That should be noticeable. Oh well.
July 19
10 (1:08:29)--Alton Baker. Nice easy "pre race" run in the am. Somehow, I frequently manage to make these pre race particularly easy, but this morning I was successful. My success was largely due, however, to having company on the run. Good discussions about the evolutionary significance of bipolar disorder and manic depression. Interesting stuff.
July 20
11--Run for the Kids 8k, Creswell, OR 26:29. A really nice tempo effort. I continue to be heartened by my apparent level of fitness after the ups and downs of the past few months. Of course, I would imagine that if I tried to go "all out," I really wouldn't be able to run a whole lot faster. Anyway...it was a really fun small town race where lots of people had donated baked goods and where the money went to build a bark-mulch track around the city park. Warmed up and cooled down 3. And, now I am free to read the 7th Harry Potter.
July 22
11 (untimed) River.
Good. Recovery. Some residual soreness in the quads, but that's to be expected after a long run.
70 miles, 1 wkt, 18 mi LR.
Was hoping for another 80+ week, but the day off kind of threw a wrench into that. Also threw off the wkt, which is a little dissapointing. But (possibly as a result) the LR wkt went very well. Probably 20-22 next week, despite the whole Rice St. thing.
Thursday: 6. Ran home from work, mostly along Olson Memorial. Quick run as I had a tee time to catch. Had to race a train to cross some tracks. I won.
Friday: not quite 10. With Tom, some with Boulder. A few Boulder-led strides towards the end.
Saturday: Pretty Standard Extended. A slow 6 in the afternoon heat. Decided at 2 AM Saturday morning as I was going to sleep that a long run/workout at 7:30 would not be wise.
Sunday: 18. Around Cedar Lake, then around Calhoun, then half of Isles and back through downtown into Pretty Standard Reverse. Much of it with Nick. All of it very slow. The original plan was to attempt to replicate the Saturday workout Tom/Phil/Biz/Chap did, in form if not in pace specifics. But I didn't feel particularly chipper and decided trying to force what sounded like a tough workout would not be wise, so I took the opportunity to get a longer long run in instead.
Week: 51 in 5, no workouts, long-bang of 18. Would have liked to have had 6 days of running, and knew taking Monday off would probably leave me short on runs, but a low-intensity week is not bad at this point.
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