June 5-25
Generally: Underwhelming Running. June 9-15 was (basically) five 30-min runs. June 16-22 was (basically) four 30-min runs.
Specifically: Some Highlights. All the way back on June 6th, Dan & I ran Tom & Olive through a luscious arboretum and over the most dangerous bridge in Minnesota. Then we ate Indian food and progressed to the Tavern Lounge to relax with Lonesome Dan Kase. Highlights are not necessarily running-related...most obviously because I'm including that race at Hamline. Managed an, um, unprepared 18:31 on a hotter day than Brian Kraft. Felt a bit lonely until I started getting lapped. Guessing the company helped me run better splits -- 5:58, 6:02, 5:53, 37s. Did a nice Iron Bridge after Caroline's graduation through a knee-deep Cannon with Dan, Jess & Matt Masc. Also joined Schof for his pre-Bjorklund run last Friday and Biz & Friends for some Track Meat on Sunday. Did not join Hal Higdon for his 5K at reunion.
But now the caffeinated social whirlwind has passed and some sluggish running has commenced. Kicked it into a higher gear as I ran up the West River Hill last night towards the end of a particularly sluggish hour. That either killed all the slugs or ensured they'd return with a vengeance...
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Livin' Large!
Leased a fantastic cabin about 5 miles from town starting August 1st, which is great. In the meanwhile, I might be doing some housesitting of sorts starting tonight or tomorrow.
The running is going well. The body actually feels great--back, hips, everything is good. Didn't even have any calf issues from the drive out (cruise control busted a couple years back. . .)
The runs have all been in the 35-37 minute range. Not on purpose but that's just been what they've been. Had a good run up the road in Horseshoe Canyon the other morning, then today I was up the South Leigh with a trip up the Beaver Creek drainaj.
Starting August I'll have a landline at the crib, which was probably the ultimate selling point :) In the meantime, I'm at work quite a bit so that'll probably be my only number until then. I should be able to hook up a P.O. Box tomorrow, so that'll be good.
Trying to take the runnaj pretty easy as I have a tendency to make myself sick after 1-2 weeks out here. Got my first nosebleed as I write, so I think holding back for a bit is a good idea. Over the weekend I'll probably get in some longer jaunts but the intensity will be real chill for a while still.
Got one hoopty-ass gravel track as well as an asphalt track in town. I think there's a better one in Jackson and I'm sure there's a better one up in Ashton. I'm actually looking forward to throwin' down some repeats on the gravel come the end of August, early Septemberish. Looks as though the TVR might not happen this year though. Oh well.
June 27: 1 hr out & back on Aspen Trail from Darby Canyon. Felt good through about 30ish minutes, then the altitude made an appearance in my feelings. Nothing too bad, and perhaps it was related to bursts of uptempo cow-herding that was going on. Sometimes you just gotta let those heifers know who's boss, even if it means whoopin' and runnin' down the trail while a dumb-ass cow spews of fountain of liquid pie as it races down the path, never figuring out that it could just step off the trail and defecate in peace. Oh well. Cows suck.
June 28: Hour loop from my housesitting gig in town, up to Cottonwood Corner, taking the first right down to 100S, then up to Stateline and loopin' back along the dump road. Roads in the valley are deceptively hilly. I mean, you're lookin' up at the big freakin' mountains which make everything else look relatively flat, but no matter what road you're on it's either grading up or down, oftentimes more than you think.
Yesterday afternoon I had the inevitable altitude-crash. Fortunately it was just a half-day of work so I was at home and was able to just sleep all afternoon when the headache came on. I hope to feel 100% tomorrow. I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but I'm meeting Lisa and her krew at 12:30 to do some repeats on Teton Pass. . .and dinner isn't scheduled until 7. I decided not to hike up and ski this afternoon in order to conserve some energy for tomorrow. Snow is melting fast now, but on the first day of summer there was still 92.6 inches of snow mid-mountain at Targhee and the whole thing was skiable!!! It looks like 4th of July Bowl might live up to it's name this year!!!
Week of 6/23-6/29
60 miles/ 6 days, 1 wkt, 15.5 LR.
Highlights- day off on Monday. Workout on Wednesday, when it was pushing 90. Probably bad timing, but the rest of the week wasn't much cooler. Attempted 6 miles of 3 min on/2 min off. Succeeded, but stopped after 5.5 miles and then took some time in the river to cool off. Definitely need to adjust to the heat still.
Saturday- LR, got about 10 minutes of gentle rain near the beginning, and felt great. Pace gradually came down to about 6:15s, easily the fastest comfortable running that's happened in a while.
June 29: Got in some turns up on Teton Pass on my way over to Wilson to run with Lisa and the crazies. Could there be anything more fun than skiing at the end of June? Perhaps.
So with Lisa, Bob Becker (65yr old guy who's running Badwater), Leo (ex-Navy SEAL who lives in London), Mike Evans (badass snowboarder-turned-badass ultra runner who ran the Bighorn 100 last weekend), Matt Hart (stud ultra-runner/coach who won the Bighorn 50 last week), and Marshall (Teton Fonz) we power-walked up the Pass, ran down, and then did the same up the old pass rd for a 24-25 mile 6hr lil' jaunt. I mean, walking sucks, but my ass freakin' hurts today. Overall it was probably a really good thing to do, especially with having not acclimated all that well yet. There was some decent runnaj in all of that, but the majority was walking. It was also wicked hot and sunny, leaving me quite lobsteresque today.
June 30: Easy hour run, loping home through the trail at Creekside Meadows, which apparently it washed out and flooded. Pretty fun, but took a fall in one of the knee deep sections and busted my knee up on a rock. Trotted back into town covered in mud and bleeding. Loved every second of it. Life only gets better out here.
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