Of Late
Today marks 10 weeks since I've gone for a run. It turns out that if you set me down, my body will probably just intuitively stay put. There have been some sit-up fits, some push-up starts and some biking in place. But for the most part the stationary bike has been the Metaphor in the Corner of my living room.
So tonight, I just walked with me, disguised as a head-bobbin' nobody. Wearing running shoes, a wind brief, hind pants and hind shirts underneath some faux-carharts, a sweatshirt, jacket, hat, ipod and glasses, my eyes teared in the wind. The skyline was as crisp as the air. And I wore my pedestrian disguise to the base of the Metaphor in our Corner of the world: The PPHC.
As with many epic peaks, the trek to base camp is nearly as brutal as the climb itself. This is especially true if base camp sits one and a half miles below your residence. But man does not create bases and summits and the PPHC cares little if strong winds toss descending travelers from the Franklin Traverse into the Great Mississippi Crevasse. I leaned into the wind and prayed that my be-socked hands would be nimble enough to catch the Traverse rail should an icy blast catch me off balance.
Pete was singing when I reached base camp; "They buried William in the old church-yard..." The words made scarcely an imprint on my frozen brain as I raised my eyes to the slope. I lifted a stony foot and moved tentatively ahead. Again. Again. And then faster. Again. For about a minute, on the Frozen West River Pitch of the PPHC, I ran.
It was not bad.
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Nov. 28: AM 15 min up, 10 x downhill on grass w/ruby slippers,15 min down. The hummus of this week's workout sandwich. I know that it's good for me and something that I should partake of with regularity, but too often I go with roast beef, salami, or even herb-roasted chicken instead. Granted, it was a thin layer, a far cry from the volume of parnis booter that typically graces my bagel, but hummus it was. Walked and jogged back to the start. Turnover was real good, form was solid, ruby slippers felt great. Success.
PM 1:15:00 From Polk St to Sherm's, then upriver to Lowry, across, and back. I'll give it 10 total for me. Followed by a lovely meal prepared by Matt Mascioli and Shermdizzle themselves. Hope I didn't catch anything while I was over there. . .
Nov. 29: AM Bread & Butter. 3 mi warmup, 20 x soccerfield loop, 2 mi down. 30 sec rest, ruby slippers again. 77, 76, 74, 75, 74, 74, 73, 73, 73, 73, 74, 73, 72, 74, 72, 72, 73, 74, 71, 71. Feel wicked good about all of that. Legs definitely started to fatigue somewhat in the second half of the workout, but not too much. Wasn't super aggressive with the times and effort, but think it was still good. The last two in 71 were definitely harder than the others. Solo, I don't think I could have done all of them with 30 secs rest in 71. Perhaps with some buddies. But overall, ran relaxed, it was reasonably quick, and was able to finish strong. A good, solid chunk of bread to contain that batch of ground chickpeas of yesterday. I'll probably do a lil' shakeout this afternoon just for kicks.
don't mistake tom for happy
go lucky
Hmmm...Well Ithaca continues to vacillate between winter and fall, which is kind of lame, but somehow the colder weather has also brought on the cold season and it has struck the Senner household with force this week. Thus running isn't quite what I would have hoped for when riding out the peak of my fall fitness. Had an eye on running an indoor 5k this weekend, but that was dashed by the sudden onslaught of a head cold earlier this week. That has only added to the general malaise that has clouded my running the past few weeks. Last week I mustered 68, with a easy day of 5 miles on Thanksgiving. This week is headed for about the same unless inspiration strikes and I do a long run on Sunday. Only two more weeks till winter break, so I suppose I'll be able to hold on.
November 28
6 (42ish) Lake St. Loop.
Phil would hate this run. You basically run to Lake St, cross and run back. Plus, you have to go the long way around both sides of the bridge. Felt good though. Hip a little sore, but eased out of it after a bit.
November 29
7 (46:30) Hamline.
Taking advantage of the rec ctr at Hamline to get a workout in. Planned a 2-2-2, at a pretty easy pace since I was running at 9:30 at night, and on a treadmill. Ended up running 6:00, 5:42, 6:00. Felt pretty relaxed on the first and third miles, but the middle one was definitely harder. I did hit a rhythm, but it wasn't as smooth. Anyway, then ten minutes of biking before they closed down the joint.
Nov. 29: PM 6+ from school, between lab and lecture. Would have liked more time to do things like sauna, shower, and eat dinner before class, but had some stuff to find in the library--turns out they have books and periodicals there! I thought it was just a tastefully decorated sleep emporium. . .anyway, and I also ran into Kyle, which was sweet.
Nov. 30: AM A & W SLOW 43:59. Cold etc. Aspire to run this evening but I've already been informed that I'm late. On account of tomorrow's anticipated snowstorm, tomorrow morning's departure has been replaced with this evening. And as long as we're going 15 hours earlier than planned, it would apparently be silly to allow an hour or two for exercise. Oh well.
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