Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Subject For Variety

Went for a run with Biz and about six future lawyers yesterday. I feel like there's a joke to be made about that.


Unknown said...

Fellahs--really looking forward to NYC this weekend. It will be a much needed release from grant proposals and students that are too worried about their grades yet inexplicably miss class. for my training
12--cayuga trails in 1:24:24. A fabulous easy run in gorgeous fall weather (finally). Leaves obscured the trail a bit, but thankfully resulted in no ill effects.

10--home loop extended in 1:10:02. Another nice easy run, although feeling a little under the weather. Hopefully with a better night's sleep it will pass.

15.5--3x3 mile with 3:00 min jog rest in between. 15:19, 15:19, 15:38. A fabulous workout. Our goal had been 15:45 for each of them and we shattered that successfully. The only lapse in the entire workout was the 2nd mile of the last set, when we hit 5:18. It was going uphill and into the wind and both Quinn and I failed to push the pace. Thankfully we came back strong in the last mile. Also 3+ up and 2 down.

bizyah said...

Oct 30: AM WF 20 19:16. Booyah.
PM LSCC Northwards loop, nice group, though with one conspicuous absence. 45 mins. Many of the first-year kids added on. I decline.

Oct 31: Right-of-Wat 55:02. 3 mins of flying mile in there as well, on the downhill grade of course. Yesterday the legs were feelin' a tad sore from the day before, and there was still just a smidge of that today, but last night's sleep was insufficient. Over the course of today began to feel better. Not much else to do between now and Saturday though, so might as well eat Halloween candy that the Trick-o'-Treaters leave behind after I scare the crap out of them!

Unknown said...

Seriously, who isn't going to harass me? I miss one day, and suddenly I'm not so "initially consistent"? Did you all have a conference and decide to refer to me as the conspicuous absence? BS, I say.

Sarah said...

Oct. 28 - Nov. 1: A little bit of running. More swimming. Some leg-strengthening. One new bike trainer, one registration for the NYC Triathlon.

Mostly, full-on into my taper for a weekend of active spectatation. Praise the Tri-State Area, sans CT.

chaypaw said...

F off, "sans CT." just call it the "NY area and area close by that NY pays to take it's refuse" then.

Sarah said...

it's interesting you bring that up. apparently mist of our landfills are full, and we are sending our trash to pennsylvania now.

bizyah said...

Nov. 1: 'Round the golf course in 41:26. Returned to find inexplicable banter regarding dumps. Like a truck, what, what. I was getting confused, but what I think all of this means is that, if one were to be stoked about a Tri-State area out thataway, one is in all likelihood referring to NY, NJ, and PA. Which is good, 'cause I heard that last weekend CT went on vacation and got hopelessly lost in the Yorkshires or the Framptons or something, drank some water from a stream in hopes of suriviving, was exposed to unusually high levels of dioxins drifting down from a goose factory in Canadia somewhere and expired on the spot. Which I think makes Vermont next in line for the Tri-State throne once somebody finds a way to knock off PA or Ny. 'Cause all y'all be knowin' that NJ can't be faded like dat. Or at least all of that is what I heard on C-Span. It must be true. Lande was on that once.

Churchie said...

stop flirting, biz.

Unknown said...

12 (cayuga trails)--Surprisingly this run did not suck, as I thought I would be completely blitzed after yesterday's workout. Instead things felt nice and easy, if it was a bit on the windy side.

12 (6x1200)--6x1200 on the track with 400 jog rest in between. Very in control on a cold, calm morning. 3:52, 3:49, 3:47, 3:50, 3:48, 3:47. Didn't exactly feel chipper, but felt very in control, which was the goal. Just one more long run and then a smooth ride into Philly (hopefully).

P.S. Don't include upstate NY in this whole thing; we like to consider ourselves a separate entity from that city near NJ.

bizyah said...

Nov 2: Run up 5th Ave, quick loop through Central Park, back down Madison Ave to the hotel. It's not impossible to run outside of the park in Manhattan, but it certainly blows.

Nov 3: 20 mins along Hudson River (I think). Nice run, windy. Followed observation of the men's Trials. An amazing and awful thing all at the same time. Matt Hooley = freakin' stud.

Nov 4: NYC Marathon 2:49:58 or so. Okay with that. Took it out easy up the bridge in 6:30, ran easier down the other side in 5:10. Weather was perfect so I allowed myself to press the pace through Brooklyn. Was running just under 6 mins at most splits and feelin' alright. Developed some stomach issues upon entering Queens near halfway and the lack of training/being in shape became a significant factor. The stomach caused a change in pace and stride that kinda led to a downward spiral. Lost 100 places heading up the Queensborough Bridge and was in a pretty bad way. Then, heading up 1st Ave through Manhattan things went in and out with some good periods and some bad. I was definitely in need of the gel in my pocket but my stomach was uncomfortable with the thought. Around 17 or 18 I decided to try it anyway and things picked up again for a while. Things got better and better on the way up to the Bronx with the pace dropping back under 6 mins. Then in the Bronx I developed a ridiculous stitch underneath my ribcage that left me doubled over, eyes closed, alternating between gritting my teeth and screaming. I never actually saw the Bronx. Luckily it's only about a mile or so of the course. I don't know how much time I lost there, but when I crossed back into Manhattan and I was able to squeeze the life out of the stitch, I didn't recognize anyone I was running near. I slowly picked things up through 22 until the uphills started again. By then I'd pretty much had it with the various battles of the day and with a dull ache in my side reminding me about what could come with increasing speed, I decided to wait a little longer before running hard for home. Despite being passed by Lance at 23 or 24 I held off on the speeding up thing until abot 600 to go.

Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about the day. Despite not being at all prepared for a marathon, much less on a difficult course, I was able to finish stronger than I ever have before. It was also nice to finally reverse my marathon trend where every race got slower than the one before. Mentally I was much more positive throughout the race and that made a huge difference in the late stages when the going got tough.

I also (re)learned quite a bit over the weekend in terms of traveling logistics, pre-race time spent on my feet, etc. I wouldn't have done anything differently on this particular weekend, but in the future if I'm planning to race well I'll do a few things differently.

Nov 5: 15 mins, around NE Park. In the morning, my legs felt real good. Quads were a little tight, but generally felt awesome. Over the course of the day my quads got tighter and by the time I went for a run they were getting pretty sore. Kept it short. Grass felt good, as did running faster. Pavement and slow running did not feel good. Was just getting warmed up and feeling smoother but decided that it would be silly to go much further.

Nov 6: 48 hours after the race. Gonna take the day off. Biked to school, walked across the river for lunch, and figure that a couple days of low-impact action here are going to be wise. Am planning to take about 10 days easy, then get ready for the club national cc meet. After that, another easy week, then the buildup for Boston begins!